We have started our Motivational Quotes Website TheQuotes.net two years back. It is growing steadily. Few days back Bing/Yahoo's adNework media.net contacted me for adding their ads to TheQuotes.net website. Usually they will allow showing their ads only in High quality and High traffic websites. I am happy to know that they are showing interest to show their ads in our website. I accepted their offer as our current adnetwork Google AdSense is paying less irrespective of the fact that most of the visitors to this site are from united states. I agree that Google Adsense is the best adnework. But I thought media.net will be more suitable for TheQuotes.net. So, I started showing Media.net ads in addition to the existing AdSense ads. Let me know if you see any irrelevant ads in TheQuotes.net.
I am planning to add more quality content to TheQuotes.net to make use of this opportunity from media.net. Contact me (rajamanickam.a@gmail.com) if you want to write Guest post for TheQuotes.net. Read the Guest post guidelines here. And, find below the things that are already done for this site. Apart from these things I am having lot of plans which will be implemented step by step in future. So, your Guest post will give good exposure to showcase your writing skills or motivational speech skills.
- Added custom code to wordpress site to manage add/modify/delete of Authors, topics, Text quotes and Images quotes.
- Added around 340 Image quotes in the 2 years time period.
- Created Facebook application with lot of features. We have created and added around 550 Facebook Cover images.
- Right now it is having around 70 users according to this facebook appn. page report. It will start increasing quickly as it is kind of viral approach.
- Created "Quote of the Day" daily news letter. It will automatically send the Image quotes daily to the subscribers. Daily 3 or 4 people are subscribing for this one.
- Created a twitter application which will automatically tweet motivational quotes with link to thequotes.net Just do a search for "thequotes.net" in Twitter to know the impact of this application.
- Published a Book about theQuotes.net and made the kindle version available for free 3 or 4 times to spread the site name.
- Created Quotes Gallery.
- Added more than 200 blog posts to the site and submitted them to lot of social media sites. If we search thequotes.net in Google we can see more than 38K results. It indicates our promotion efforts.
- Created the main part of the site mobile-friendly (still some parts need to be made as mobile-friendly)
- Created many social media pages for promoting it. Actively getting members for these pages. Find below some of the pages.
- Created Facebook application which can automatically post Motivational Quotes images to Facebook Fan pages at preset time interval.
- Created custom greetings cards sending application.
- Created an application for generating Motivational Calendar.
- Created lot of motivational quotes videos and spreading the site name thro' our youtube channel.
- Created entire site SEO friendly. And, Google Page rank of home page is PR3. And, the home page got more than 5K Facebook "likes"
And, if you are doing any business related to Motivational Quotes (e.g custom t-shirts, Quotes printing, Quotes photo frame, Motivational Speech, Motivational Book etc) you can advertise your business on TheQuotes.net either thro' Google Adwords or thro' media.net.
And, I welcome your suggestions to improve TheQuotes.net further.
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