Monday, December 28, 2009

Released javascript widget for showing New Year Quotes in Blog or website

We have released a javascript widget/gadget for displaying New Year Quotes in your Blog or in your website.

You can easily implement/embedd this widget in your blog or website.

See more details in our blog post here.

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Released eBooks for learning Software Testing and QTP

We have released eBook useful for learning Software Testing and QTP (Quick Test professional), a Test automation tool.

This eBook will cover below topics.

  • Importance of Software Testing
  • eBook
  • Basics of Quality Assurance (QA) in Software Development
  • Writing Good Test Cases and Finding Bugs effectively
  • Tips and Tricks for doing AdHoc Testing
  • Best practices in Software Testing
  • Importance of Software Test Automation using tools such as QTP
  • Need of Domain Knowledge for Software Testers
  • Software Testing Questions and Answers
  • Introduction to QTP
  • How to Learn QTP?
  • Understanding Object Repository
  • Understanding Action Iteration and Test Iteration
  • Required Steps/Processes in QTP Automation
  • Best Practices in QTP Automation
  • Scheduling QTP Script Execution
  • Basics of vbscript
  • Links Useful for learning QTP
  • KeyWord Driven Testing and Framework in QTP
  • Disadvantage of Descriptive Programming in QTP
  • Tips for doing effective QTP script Development
  • QTP Questions and Answers
You can get this eBook for Free just by sending the link( to more than 50 people with cc to I will send the eBook once after getting the email. Make sure that you are sending email to only valid email ids without any duplicates.

Or, you can buy this ebook from here.

Click here to buy an eBook for learning Software Testing and QTP Automation
You can discuss about this eBook in our forum

Software Testing (2nd Edition)Testing Computer Software, 2nd EditionLessons Learned in Software TestingPragmatic Software Testing: Becoming an Effective and Efficient Test Professional

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Added more questions in our online Quiz

We have added few more questions for our our free online quiz program.

The new questions are added under the below topics/subjects.

2.Dot Net

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

News Letter

We had sent below News Letter to our email contacts. If you want to receive future news letters you can send your email id to

Dear All,

Greetings from QualityPoint Technologies.

Find below the updates from us.

- We have done more than 60 projects successfully for our clients. Refer our website to see some of thesample projects.
- Most of the projects are done using, php,mysql,Javascript,ajax,css and html.
- We extensively used many php modules such as mod_rewrite, gd2 and curl.
- Done complex integration/conversion of Content Management System (e.g Joomla), Forum (e.g phpBB), Photo Management System (Gallery)
- Done many challenging web scrapping and autoposting projects using webharvest, c# webbrowser control and php curl.
- Effectively utilized paypal API and Twitter API in our projects.
- Handled Session hijacking prevention code and exceptions properly.
- Used to test the websites in different web browsers and versions.
- Used to do on-page SEO.

- We are working from two places, Chennai and Ottapidaram.

Apart from doing projects for our clients, we are taking initiatives to do our own products.

- We are using Timesheet developed by us.
- Many of our articles (e.g articles about QTP, Software Testing) in Google knol got many awards such asTop Pick award and Top viewed award.
- Published many useful articles in our blog so that our blog is gaining good Alexa traffic rank in short period. And many of the pages in our blog started gaining Google Page Rank.
- Released and maintaining online Quiz and Link submission. And planning to improve them further.
- Working on to release small useful tools such as Inbound link checker and Quotes widget
- Planning and working on to become a market place for freelance projects.
- Delivering latest News in different topics as webpage, tweets and sms. And we are working hard to avoid any down time and for improving quality and timely delivery of the news.
- Gaining knowledge and experience in optmizing Google AdSense and AdWords.
- Our Twitter accounts @qualitypoint and @globaltechnews are getting significant amount of followers.
- Gaining knowledge in both on-page and off-page SEO.

As any other Start-up company, we are also facing many challenges. Despite these challenges we are able to move towards achieving our vision while keeping our values.

For project related queries send mail to

If you are interested to join with us you can send your resume to

If you are interested in doing link exchange for getting inbound links you can contact us

Wish you all Happy holidays and Merry Christmas.

Rajamanickam Antonimuthu - LinkedIn, Google profile , Twitter
My Photo
QualityPoint Technologies

Note: If you don't want to receive news letter you can send reply with subject "unsubscribe"
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Released Free widget for showing Christmas Quotes

We have released free widget for showing Christmas Quotes in your blog or website.

You can refer our Christmas blog to know the steps required for using this free widget in your website.

We are working on to release similar widget for showing News and motivational quotes. You can share your feedback or suggestions for improving our widgets thro' the comment section.

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Monday, December 21, 2009

Use associative array instead of using querystring-style post fields.

We have faced some issues with posting form details using cURL module of php.

A form having file upload option was not posted correctly.
The content type is multi-part/form-data for this form.

The below line of code will set the post fields for the curl session.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_fiels);

The $post_fields can be specified either as querystring parameters or as an associative array.

Initially we had specified the $post_fields as querystring paramter as $post_fields="field1=value1&field2=value2";

But this approach didn't work for the multi-part/form-data forms.

It works fine after changing this code using an associative array as below.

$post_fields = array("field1" => "value1", "field2" => "value2");

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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Clearing Cache in phpBB forum

In my previous post I have explained about clearing cache in Gallery.

phpBB Forum is also using Cache for improving performance. So, most of your changes in the coding/database won't reflect immediately.

So, we need to clear the cache whenever we are making any changes in the forum.

For doing this, we should delete all the files available inside the cache folder in the forum.

Or, we can click "Run now" button available near "Purge the cache" under Resynchronise or reset statistics in ACP (Admin Control Panel)

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Boost your adSense revenue by using Category filter.

We can restrict the unwanted AdSense Ads using competitive filter in AdSense Setup by specifying domain/url of the Ads.

If we want to restrict Ads of particular category then we can use Category Filter option available in Ad Review Center
Category filter can be reached from adsense Setup->adReviewCenter
It will show below detail for each Category.

% Recent Earnings
% Recent Ad Impressions

We can filter the Categories which are having low earnings but having high impressions. It will help to increase AdSense revenue. And also, it will help to show only relevant ads for our readers.

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Friday, December 11, 2009

New blog from QualityPoint for showing latest News about Christmas

Google Hot Trends and Twitter Trending topics reveal that large number of people started searching about "Christmas".

So, to make their task easy we have launched a new blog "Everything about Christmas".

In this blog we are showing latest Christmas related news using yahoo pipes and Feedburner.

This Christmas news will be automatically collected from RSS feeds of many Chrismas specific websites and by searching "Christmas" in RSS feeds of many social booking marking sites such as Digg.

So, you can see the popular and latest Christmas related news in one place.

You can contact us if you want to include any of your Christmas related RSS Feeds.

Apart from this new blog, we have collected a Christmas knol collection which has more than 55 Christmas related knols. If you know any other good Christmas related knol, you can submit it into our knol collection.

Most of the stores including online stores are providing discounts during this Christmas holiday season. You can make use of the Hot deals.

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Thursday, December 10, 2009

Parsing webpage using php DOM.

PHP is having DOM functionality for parsing webpage by considering the HTML content of the webpage as XML data.

If you assign the $data with the HTML content of the webpage, below code will load the HTML content in DOM object.

$dom = new DOMDocument();

The "@" symbol before the second line of the code is required to suppress any warning message related to XML related errors in the HTML content.

xpath can be used to get the desired data.

For example, below code will extract all the "tr" tags in a html file.

$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
$tablerows = $xpath->evaluate("/html/body//tr");

Below code can be used if you want to get data from first "TD" within each row of the Table.

for ($i =1; $i < $tablerows->length; $i++)

$singlerow = $tablerows->item($i);

$tablecells= $singlerow->getElementsByTagName("td");


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Setting UserAgent for php curl session to avoid 500 Internal Server Error

We are using below function for getting webpage content using curl module of php.

function getmethod_request($ch,$ckfile,$urlValue)

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $ckfile); //The name of the file containing the cookie data. The cookie file can be in Netscape format, or just plain HTTP-style headers dumped into a file.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$urlValue); // The URL to fetch. This can also be set when initializing a session with curl_init().
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $ckfile); // The name of a file to save all internal cookies to when the connection closes.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER,1); // TRUE to include the header in the output.
curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER,1); // TRUE to automatically set the Referer: field in requests where it follows a Location: redirect.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); // TRUE to return the transfer as a string of the return value of curl_exec() instead of outputting it out directly.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST,0); //TRUE to do a regular HTTP POST. This POST is the normal application/x-www-form-urlencoded kind, most commonly used by HTML forms.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION,1);
return $data = curl_exec($ch);


It worked fine for many websites.

But it started giving "500 Internal Server Error" message when using it for one specific website.

I came to know that some web servers will block the requests from non-identified user-agents (browsers).

We have resolved this issue by including below lines in the function for spoofing it as FireFox 2.0.

$useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/";
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);

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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Latest Articles for learning Web Development using php, mysql, javascript and ajax

Find below the latest articles for learning web development. These articles are getting displayed here by combining the data from different social bookmarking sites such as Digg. This articles list will be updated automatically using yahoo pipes and feedburner.

Web Development Articles

↑ Grab this Headline Animator

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Removing Last Character in a String

In PHP, we will be requiring to remove the last Character from a string variable.

For example, consider below query.

select * from employees where employee_id in (1,2,5,7)

Assume that the employee_id values 1,2,5,7 should be dynamically collected from a webpage provided with checkboxes to select some employees from a list of employees.

Using foreach loop we can create this employee_id string. But it will look like as below

You can note the last comma.

Error will be thrown if we use this as it is

select * from employees where employee_id in ($employee_id_string)

In this case we need to remove this last comma.

It can be easily done by below code.


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Monday, November 23, 2009

Feedburner-yahoo pipe issue got resolved

It seems Feedburner-yahoo pipe issue was resolved.
I am not sure whether it was resolved by Google or resolved by Yahoo.

You can share the details thro' comments if you know more details about who resolved this issue and how they resolved it.

Anyway, our news services/channels are working properly once this issue got resolved.

If you still face any issue in seeing the News, you can inform us at

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Saturday, November 21, 2009

print_r() Versus var_dump()

PHP is having various functions for debugging a variable. Seeing values stored in an array or in any other object is important for doing any troubleshooting in a code.

Let us see some of them such as var_dump(), print_r() and var_export().

The var_dump function displays structured information about variables/expressions including its type and value. Arrays are explored recursively with values indented to show structure.

print_r() displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans. array values will be presented in a format that shows keys and elements. Similar notation is used for objects.

Refer the below sample array.

$obj = (object) array('qualitypoint', 'technologies', 'India');

var_dump($obj) will display below output in the screen.

object(stdClass)#1 (3) { [0]=> string(12) "qualitypoint" [1]=> string(12) "technologies" [2]=> string(5) "India" }

And, print_r($obj) will display below output in the screen.

stdClass Object ( [0] => qualitypoint [1] => technologies [2] => India )

And it seems var_dump($someobject); shows only public properties , but
print_r($someobject) shows all properties (explicitly identifying protected/private properties)

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Water on the moon - Official confirmation from NASA

NASA has announced that it had discovered water on the moon.

It was announced by project scientist Anthony Colaprete
"I'm here today to tell you that indeed, yes, we found water. And we didn't find just a little bit; we found a significant amount" -- about a dozen, two-gallon bucketfuls, he said, holding up several white plastic containers.

Michael Wargo, chief lunar scientist at NASA headquarters in Washington, said the latest discovery also could unlock the mysteries of the solar system.

We can see the images from LCROSS (Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite)

NASA found water on the Moon by analyzing the impact data gathered by 'bombing' moon using LCROSS.

"We've got more (water) than we thought, maybe a lot more than we thought, so we're really quite excited about that," said Luke Sollitt, assistant professor of physics.
The big question to answer next is how water is distributed on the moon.

Sollitt said he envisioned sending an unmanned lunar rover to dig in the soil for better data on how much water is there. "We have a whole new branch of science that we can start to explore," he said.
Astronauts could use water on the moon for survival in space and to make rocket fuel at a lunar base, he said.

explains the significance of this discovery as below.

Nasa has been so keen to find water on the Moon because it brings the dream of a permanent lunar base one step closer. If water exists in the quantities that Nasa now believes, it could be drunk by astronauts, turned into oxygen to make stations inhabitable and – most excitingly – converted into fuel. The Moon could then become the space equivalent of a service station – acting as a staging post for manned missions to Mars.

"The presence of significant quantities of ice on the lunar surface catapults the moon from an interesting waypoint to a critical launching pad for humanity's exploration of the cosmos," said Peter Diamandis, CEO and chairman of the X Prize Foundation, which is running a $30 million contest for private moon rovers.

According to, LCROSS found lots of other volatile elements in the debris plume and/or the vapor cloud released by the impact.
These may include:
  • carbon dioxide
  • methane
  • methanol
  • ethanol
  • ammonia
  • other organic molecules

There are lot of discussions and arguments going on about this announcement by NASA, whereas Chandrayan I of India already has informed about Water on Moon. Actually a US-built instrument on the Chandrayaan-I spacecraft already detected traces of water on the lunar surface.

Water on the moon could boost Marshall Space Flight Center programs to explore the lunar surface, asteroids or even Mars.

Find below some comments/opinions/discussions from people.

After teaching middle school science students for years that there is no water on the Moon, I am only too happy to apologize for my error!

This is probably the most expensive water we've ever found. But, if we go to the moon, it could turn out to be among the most valuable as well.

Any dollar spent on setting up a permanent colony on the Moon is of course better than a dollar spent on occupying Iraq.

Discovery of frozen water in the moon's permanently shaded polar craters could open the door to human colonization of the moon and beyond. more..

i'm not happy about this plan to bomb the moon. could we reallocate the money to instead come up with creative ways to use water more wisely on earth? just saying...

Could this also mean (since water contains oxygen) that we possible could breath without space suits?

This is indeed intriguing. All this talk about the Indian's discovering water and then some saying the American supplied the instruments for Chandrayan. The ISRO mission discovered tangible evidence for water in some locations on the moon. The following U.S mission narrowed in and confirmed it. It was a team effort. That's the problem with people in South Asia these days they are so embroiled in promoting their selfish agendas they ruin it for the few that actually put humanity as a whole in front of their personal interests. Just calm down and be glad that we are making progress as a planet.

Chandrayan saw water only along the thin surface layer of the Moon. It detected water bound to particles. LCross kicked up measurable water vapor and unbound amount. This indicates ice. Chandrayan and LCross complements each other and NASA acknowledges publicly as such.

This is very typical of US news, India's ISRO program had found the existence of water first. Yet when NASA takes a lot at it and says they found water on the Moon, it becomes their discovery because of the way the information is distributed by news sources. This could also be a part of the reason why many foreign people hate the US

The probe on the ISRO craft that found the water WAS made by NASA, so obviously NASA had reason to claim credit for it's own discovery. Get your facts straight before accusing them of deceiving the public.

I got news for you, Chandrayaan mission already found water on the moon. So what's the difference between Chandrayaan-1 and Nasa mission? Is Nasa grabbing the spotlight from the Indian mission that was done last september? Don't tell us what we already know.

How many hundreds of billions or even trillions of dollars are to spent on getting people on an airless rock or a low-gravity, toxic-atmosphere desert rock with 300 mph duststorms? To what end? Before you plan on having a purely curiosity-based waystation on the path to Mars, perhaps you need to figure out how to sustain a population of billions on Earth without destroying the biosphere of Earth, first.

The use would be to obtain water, oxygen and hydrogen for drinking, breathing and generating power respectively for further space exploration, because the moon has 1/6 the gravity that earth has and therefore launches from the moon would require less propulsion than from earth.

I think both NASA and Obama think we need another mission because a current mission to the moon may reveal alot of very embarrassing lies and deceptions. None of this adds up. These knuckleheads are trying to get us to buy that they need to "reinvent" the wheel to get to the moon. Nonsense.

Can we PLEASE stop littering across the universe and calling it discovery? Its like humans have this desire to throw aluminum trash throughout space.

OK, so there's water, and where there is water there are fish. Alien fish. Now we all know that the Icelanders and Japanese are going to say that this stuff is more than 200 miles "offshore" but I, for one, will not stand idly by while lunar whales are harvested for so-called "scientific purposes" while actually being used to manufacture ineffective aphrodisiacs. And yes, I know perfectly well that whales are not fish, but you know perfectly well what I mean. So lets all stop bickering among ourselves and do something about this imminent biological catastrophe before it's too late.

79 Million worth it? You bet!!! How some people are against space exploration i don`t know. Far Better then giving 700 billion away. These kinds of research missions certainly should have been done more then decade ago. Just imagine the 700 billion spend on our first US Mission to MARS. You want to stimulate the Economy, Instant success. And what about building Telescopes large enough they could take the first quality pictures of Earth like Planets. With the knowledge and experience gained the Human species would never be the same. Space Research & Exploration FTW!!!

Wake up you people, this is the USA seeking ownership of the moon. should they discover there is oil on the Moon, you can bet they can lay claims to owning it. How come though, that if they supposedly landed on the moon back in 1963, that they haven't done so since then. It is one of the biggest lies told.

NASA needs to have its entire upper management replaced and needs to have the national space technology mission defined for it as Earth-focused.

well, you can make a moon base there, and from there you can do lots of things, besides looking for life. and here's a list : helium-3 extraction for fusion, space tourism, all sorts of research, mythbusters special editions, space paintball, alien treasurehunts and so on and so forth

Who cares if there is water on the moon? Or on Mars? Or anywhere else? How is that going to be of any value to anyone? The space program is one of the biggest wastes of money.

From an economic point of view, water on the Moon is the equivalent of finding “gold in the hills of California.” ...more

Forget about sending people to the moon to drink the water there, and instead spend the $3 billion a year on improving the drinking water here on earth. ...more

Didn't we land on the moon a while back? How did we miss "significant" amounts of water? I'm just wondering how accessible it is.

Mars has water. Various moons in the solar system have water. Water isn't that uncommon. And nothing says water = life.

US is pretty good at repeating discoveries done by other countries (especially developing like India) in the name of testing and then tagging them as DISCOVERED BY US. The same happened with this one.

This is huge. I repeat, HUGE. With several hundred kilograms of water observed in the ejecta, who knows how much more is below the surface? Congratulations to the visionary scientists and engineers at NASA.

Yeah how about you get me a cup of moon water...then you get your stinkin peace prize.

If water is just like any other water (H2O), why are there so many kinds of bottled water?

There's water on the moon, does it really matter if there's water on the moon?

Lastly, ask yourself what the first letter A in NASA stands for and then ask yourself what NASA has done for that A. Zilch in my view.

Doesn't matter if you can extract oxygen for atmosphere if:
1. The moon doesn't have enough gravity to hold an atmosphere.
2. There isn't eight nitrogen molecules for every oxygen molecule. (Most of our atmosphere is nitrogen)
The hydrogen and oxygen would be useful for fuel. We're talking about rockets from the moon to other planets here, not breathing. We can already artificially recycle air to breathe.

Beyond water, the moon is suspected to be packed with natural resources which could be used locally, or even brought back to Earth if of high enough value. ...more

I mean, come on, everyone. Humans live on Earth. Remember? We don't live on Mars. We don't live on the Moon. We don't live on a moon orbiting Jupiter. We live on Earth. And we always will, and it is probably best to focus our political and economic initiatives on making that a longer-term proposition than it currently seems to be.

Isn't all that water polluted ;-)

Some people are considering this as Bad news.

Even some people started writing poem about "Water on the Moon".

Water on the moon.
Blood on the earth.
Tears on the Throne.
We are not alone.
...Read full poem

It seems Chandrayaan discovers Magnet also on the Moon. Let us wait and see whether NASA confirms this new also. explains how Moon produces its own water as below.

The Moon is a big sponge that absorbs electrically charged particles given out by the Sun. These particles interact with the oxygen present in some dust grains on the lunar surface, producing water. This discovery, made by the ESA-ISRO instrument SARA onboard the Indian Chandrayaan-1 lunar orbiter, confirms how water is likely being created on the lunar surface.

Google celebrates discovery of Water on the Moon by showing Google Doodle representing Water on the Moon on home page of

You can follow @nasa to get updates as tweets from NASA.

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Fourth Standard Student's Doodle will feature Tomorrow (November 14) on Google India home page.

Google has selected a fourth standard student's doodle for showing on Home page of Google India (

Google has selected this Doodle by arranging Doodle competition for the Indian school students studying from Class 1 to Class 10th.

The contest was judged by a panel of judges that comprised renowned cartoonist N. Ponnappa, artist Raghava K.K. and the faculty of the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad.

The Winning Doodle was drawn by Puru Pratap Singh, a 4th standard student living at Gurgaon.

Theme of his Doodle is "My India- full of life".

He has explained his Theme as below.

India is a country which has a blend of thousands of traditions and all religions like Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism and Islam. It has developed a lot in the past few years. The discovery of water on the moon by the Indian scientists is a proof to this fact. The Indian culture is as vibrant as the colours of the peacock. Kashmir, the crown of India, is as serene as the peace bird and as pure as the lotus. We, the Indian citizens are also trying to fulfill Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of educating each and every Indian child.

Find below his Doodle. Let’s open up the Google home page on Tomorrow(November 14) with this doodle.

Besides having his doodle featured on the Google India homepage all day on Children's Day, Puru Pratap Singh has also been awarded a laptop computer and a t-shirt with his doodle. And, Google provides Rs.100,000 technology grant for his school.

Google India MD Shailesh Rao said, "This was first ever Doodle competition in India. This is the first 'made in India' Doodle."

Dennis Hwang, the Master Doodler says "India is a land of creative minds. For centuries, Indian art has continued to fascinate people from across the globe. It was amazing to see how young kids could come out with highly creative Doodles that truly define the culture and tradition of this incredible country. Choosing the successful entry was not easy as every Doodle depicts India in a unique manner."

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Why IP based Rate Limit for making yahoo API calls?

We are providing Inbound link checking using yahoo site explorer API.

Last few days this php based program was not working.

After doing more analysis I came to know that this issue is due to the Rate Limiting for Yahoo! Search Web Services.

It seems yahoo is imposing limit based on IP address. And, it looks like the IP address of the server which hosted our program exceeds the limit as it is a shared hosting. Someone else also might have made yahoo api calls.

In the yahoo developer site it has been mentioned as below.

Our service rate limits are imposed as a limit on the number of API calls made per IP address during a specific time window. If your IP address changes during that time period, you may find yourself with more "credit" available. However, if someone else had been using the address and hit the limit, you'll need to wait until the end of the time period to be allowed to make more API calls.

I am just wondering why they are doing this ineffective way of limiting the API calls.

Actually, they are providing appid for every user to make the API call.

I think they can manage limiting of the API calls effectively using this appid. I couldn't understand why they are considering IP address instead of this appid for limiting the API calls.

Anyway, there should be some solid reason for doing IP based restriction which I couldn't understand currently.

If anybody knows the reason you can share it here thro' comment section.

To solve this issue I have changed the hosting server as it will change the IP address time being. Now our inbound link checking program is working correctly.
But anyway it may face issue later as this server is also a shared hosting server. Please let us know ( if you face any difficulty in using this inbound checking program/service.

You can enter the URL in the below input box for getting inbound links.

If you are having any suggestion for improving this program you can mention it here thro' comments.

Fewdays before I have mentioned about Yahoo pipe blocking ip address of Google feedburner. These type of behaviours from Yahoo remind us that yahoo is going to be merged/partnered with microsoft.

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Google has introduced new programming Language "Go".

Google has introduced a new system programming language named as "Go".

It is open source language. You can see more details about this language at

Google is saying that Computers are fast now but software development is still slow. So it has taken this initiative of introducing this open source experiment language which combines the development speed of working in a dynamic language like Python with the performance and safety of a compiled language like C or C++ and the compiled code runs close to the speed of C.

You can read the "Go" Tutorial here.

Google says "so far Go has not been used in any of Google's publically available applications". Still it is in experimental stage only.

Google's Go began as a group 20% project in 2007, and full-time work began on it last year.

Find below sample code written in "Go".

5    package main

07 import (
08 "os";
09 "flag"; // command line option parser
10 )

12 var omitNewline = flag.Bool("n", false, "don't print final newline")

14 const (
15 Space = " ";
16 Newline = "\n";
17 )

19 func main() {
20 flag.Parse(); // Scans the arg list and sets up flags
21 var s string = "";
22 for i := 0; i <> 0 {
24 s += Space
25 }
26 s += flag.Arg(i)
27 }
28 if !*omitNewline {
29 s += Newline
30 }
31 os.Stdout.WriteString(s);
32 }

You can read the discussion about "Go" here.

Find below the presentation by Rob Pike.

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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Twitter has added ReTweet (RT) feature in its web interface.

Twitter has added the ReTweet (RT) feature in their web interface.

The below screen is appearing in Twitter after getting loged in.

It seems this feature in still in Beta only. And it is available only for some users only.

Just I assume that currently Twitter is providing this feature only for the users whose followers count is greater than following count. But I am not sure about it. If you know more about it you can share it thro' comments.

It is showing new icon for identifying reweets.

It seems some people are not satisfied with this feature, still they are willing to use third-party applications only.

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Sunday, November 8, 2009

Posting this message from email using Mail2Blogger.

Blogger is providing an option for posting the articles thro' email.
This service is called as Mail2Blogger. For enabling this option you have to specify a secret word  in your blogger settings.

i-e you have to navigate  settings->Email&Mobile to get an email id by  specifying the secret world for (Also known as Mail2Blogger )

Once after enabling this service we can post the articles just by sending email to this email id.

First time trying this option, and I am posting this article from my email.
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Friday, November 6, 2009

Feedburner is not able to access Feeds generated by Yahoo pipe

We are displaying News in this blog using Yahoo pipe and Feedburner.

Today, I have noticed that the News in our blog was not updated.

I could successfully run the yahoo pipe for getting updated News as RSS Feed. When I tried to reSync this RSS feed in FeedBurder, below error message was shown.

Error getting URL: 999 - Unknown

After searching the Internet, I came to know that many people faced this error/issue few months back also.

It seems this issue is related with migration of Feedburner accounts into Google accounts. And, it seems yahoo pipe is blocking the ip address of Google/Feedburner.

Google Group discussion suggests to use atom feed instead of rss feed. But, I think yahoo pipe is not having an option to get atom feed.

So, as of now we are displaying our Tech News using some workaround. So, it may be little slow. We will put the news using feedburner, once Google or yahoo resolves this pipe-feedburder issue.

From Yahoo message board discussion, we can understand that many people are facing same problem/issue.

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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blogs of Note

Blogger is selecting interesting and worthy blogger blog (i-e blog) on each working day and display in their blog at The blog will list the blogs of note starting from year 2001 to till date.

It seems all the blogs listed in this list are really interesting and useful.

You can see below some of the latest selections. If you like these blogs you can book mark this page. It will be updated daily.

If you are new to our blog, you can bookmark this blog for further reading, or you can subscribe to our blog feed.

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Press Alt + PrtScn for capturing Screenshot of Active window

As I mentioned in the Software Testing Best practices, Providing Screenshot of error message and screenshots of each step for reproducing bug will help to fix the bug easily.

PrintScreen Key will be useful for taking screenshots. You can simply press this button to capture the image of screen and you can paste it in your word document or paint program.

But it will take the entire image of your screen. i.e It will include screenshots of all windows in your computer screen.

It will be nice if you take screenshot of only the Active window.

It can be easily done by pressing Alt key along with the print screen key.

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

How to Reset/restart autonumber in ms Access database table?

Autonumber column/field in MS-Access database table will be automatically incremented when adding any new row of data.

Assume that you are having some set of rows in a table, and you are deleting those rows and willing to add new rows. In this scenario, the autonumber column of the new rows will not be restarted. They will continue from previous set of rows.

If you want to reset or restart the autonumber column you can follow any one of below approach.

After deleting the old rows, we can click Tools->Database Utilities->Compact and Repair.. for reseting the autonumber column.

Or alternatively, after deleting the old rows in a table we can copy and paste the table as a new table with "structure only" option.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Twitter list is now available for everyone.

Twitter list is a new feature from twitter for allowing users to create different groups (e.g team, family, friends).

Till today, it was available only for few people. It seems twitter is making it available for everyone today.

We can create our own list and we can follow the list also.

Lists can be either private or public, Others can view and subscribe to your public list for getting tweets from each user in your list without following each user individually.

For example, you can simply subscribe to our News list for getting tweets from many news providing Twitter Users.

Each twitter profile is now showing number of lists in which they are listed.

I was surprised to see that @google is listed in more than 4K lists in very short period.

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009

New blogs for reading news archive

As I mentioned in my previous post, we are continuously working on for improving our News Channels.

Currently the latest news is getting displayed in this blog. But we can not read the old news.
So, recently we have created new blogs for showing the old news also.

You can read the old Technical news and News about Google in (Update: now it News Site is moved to

And, you can read the older Medical News in

If you face any difficulty or any issue in reading the current news and/or reading the news archive, you can inform us thro' comment section or by sending email to

And, we welcome your suggestions for improving the News Channels.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Similar Image search feature enters into Google Image Search from Google Labs

Google has announced that Similar Image Search will be added into Google Image Search.

This feature was in Google Labs for sometime. Now it will be available for all thro' normal Google image search.

But it seems this feature is not yet implemented in all country specific Google search engines.

For example, I couldn't see this feature in our (India) default search engine

I had to manually change it into for seeing this new feature.

This new feature will be very useful for narrow downing the search for seeing the required image. So, ultimately it will save our time.

When I searched for flower I got the below search results which include "Find similar images" link for each image.

If I click the "Find similar images" for Rose, then it is showing only the images of rose.

If I click the "Find similar images" link of any sketch image, the search result is showing only the sketch images.

We can do further "Similar image search" from the search result itself.

I have tried lot of scenarios for evaluating this new feature. It seems this feature is working in Excellent and unbelievable manner.

You can share your review about this new feature thro' the comment section.

And, if you have any idea to improve Google image, you can submit it here. You can see more than 27 ideas that are submitted by others, and you can vote for an idea which attracts you more.

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Monday, October 26, 2009

We can use Google voice without changing current phone number

Google Voice is enabling us to use single number for all our phones.

Currently we have to choose a new Google Voice number for using this facility.
Today Google has announced that it will be providing an option to choose our existing phone number while registering for Google Voice. i-e We can use Google Voice without changing our current phone number.

But anyway, it seems this option won't support all features of normal Google voice service (i-e Google voice with new number).

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Embedding Wave in Blog Post

Google Wave can be easily embedded into blog post.

Here I will explain about embedding the Wave into a blogger blog (i-e

First, you have to get the Wave ID of your wave.

This article will explain the steps for getting the Wave ID.

And, then we need to specify the below code in our post.
<div id="wave_<wave_id>" ></div>
And we have to include javascript code before </body > tag in the blogger html code.

You can follow the steps/code specified in this blog post for embedding the Wave.

I have created one public wave. Wave ID for this wave is "VkPxeecSL". I have embedded this wave below.

If you logged in with your activated Google wave account you will see the the embebbed wave saying "Testing public wave creation". Others won't see the embedded wave, instead they may see some default message/video from Google Wave.

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Making Public Wave

Yesterday I got invitation for Google Wave, and I started exploring the features of the Google Wave.

But the important thing is, I couldn't explore many features without having other participants in my Wave.

If you want to include myself as participant in your waves you can add me (

Anyway, I came to know that we can search public waves and then we can participate in the pubic waves.

public waves can be easily searched by entering with:public in the search bar of the Wave.

If you want to limit the search results, you can include the search keyword also as with:public <keyword> (e.g with:public software). You can refer the below screenshot.

By doing search for public waves, I came to know that there are lot of public waves available. People have created lot of public waves based on name of the cities and name of the universities.

One thing I have noticed in the search results is, non-english waves are also getting displayed in the search results. I am just looking for a way to show only english (and Tamil) waves.

I was surprised to see many public waves with Tamil content.

Now, let us see how to make your Wave public.

Just do the below steps.
- Add in your contact list. You will get error message (e.g is not a Google Wave account.).
You can just ignore the error message and just proceed. You can add also as specified in the Google support forum.

-Create a new Wave and add as participant. This new Wave will become public and it can be searched by anyone and anyone can participate in this wave.

Refer the below screenshot which shows one public wave created my me.

I have noticed one simple thing about FavIcon.

Background of Google Wave FavIcon is not transparent. It is showing as white. So it looks odd when seeing it in non-white browsers.

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Sunday, October 25, 2009

Got Invitation for Google Wave

Today I got invitation for using Google Wave..

I am exploring the features of Google wave. I will write about my Google wave experience later.

Actually, I had applied for Google Wave invitation 4 months back itself (At the end of May month). Now only I got the invitation.

It seems Google wave invitation is in High Demand.

I came to know that even people are selling the invitation for 70$.

I can send 20 invitations. But, according to Google "Invitations will not be sent immediately"

I have planned to use these invitations for our blog readers.
So, if you really want to use/explore Google Wave, let me know thro' comment section. Before requesting Google Wave, better you can read about Google Wave.

It will be nice if you write feedback/review (both positives and short-comings) about our Google Wave article or about our blog/website/knol/quiz/news along with your request for the Google Wave invitation.

And you can request an invitation for Wave from Google.

You can follow @googlewave to get updates from Google Wave Team.

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Friday, October 23, 2009

Bing and Google will search tweets also to provide Real-time search results

Real-Time Search is becoming very important in online search.

For example, today blogger was down for few hours.

I have noticed error message when loading our blog. I wanted to know more details of this error. i-e I wanted to know whether this issue occurs in all blogger blogs or occurs only in our blog. And, I wanted to know when it will be rectified.

So, I did google search for the keywords "blogger" and the error code returned from our blog. But it didn't give any useful search result.

After that I did a search in Twitter search, and got more information about this issue.

I came to know that more people are facing this issue, and also I came to know that blogger (Google) is working on to resolve this issue.

This incident clearly indicates the need for real-time search.

Both Microsoft and Google are knowing the importance of this real-time search.

So, they are trying to integrate feature of searching tweets with their search engine.

Microsoft has released the Beta version of Twitter search with Bing.

currently it is having below features.

Hottest Topics on Twitter
Most recent Tweets about <search keyword>
Top links shared in Tweets about <search keyword>

Google also announced that it had made an agreement with Twitter for searching the Tweets to provide real-time search results.

Some people are raising some concerns in this integration.

It seems already some real time search engines such as are available to make real-time search.

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Blogger blogs were down for more than an Hour

Today blogger blogs including this blog were down for more than an hour.

Blogger restored the blogs after an hour. If you want to get the updates about blogger you can follow @blogger.

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Children's day Doodle Selection.

We can vote for selecting the Google Doodle which will be displayed in Google India Home page on November 14 for celebrating Children's day. You can read this knol about children's day .

You can vote for a Doodle in each of below three groups.
1. Standards 1-3
2. Standards 4-6
3. Standards 7-10

From the 3 winners Google will select one Doodle for displaying it on Novermber 14.

Are you able to predict the winning doodle which will be displayed in Google home page on November 14?

In this case you can specify your prediction here thro' comments.

Let us see on November 14, who's prediction is correct.

Specify the group number (1 or 2 or 3) and the Doodle number in the group. For example if you predict this Doodle as winning Doodle then specify it as 1-13 in the comment. And, if you predict this Doodle as winning Doodle then specify it as 3-13.

Specify only one Doodle.

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