Few years back we have released a web based application for generating Motivational Calendar. Many people used our application to print various motivational Calendars easily.
So, I have decided to improve this Calendar application further. And, therefore today I updated the script to show the holiday detail at the specified date also apart from showing list of Holidays at the bottom. And, added Holiday list of both India and US for the year 2015.
So, now anyone can easily generate printable motivational calendar for the year 2015.
You can start using this free Calendar generator at http://thequotes.net/quotes/calendar/
On loading this Page, you will see many Motivational Quotes images. If you want to have different set of images, you can click the "Change the Image" till you get desired set of Images.
And, if you want to have your own name or your own company name, you can replace the default text "TheQuotes.Net" with your name.
By default it will include the U.S Holidays. If you want to include India Holidays to can choose India option.
Click "Preview" button to see the preview of the each of 12 monthly sheets.
Then Click the "Print" button take print out of this Motivational Calendar.
The Holiday Dates will be marked with different color and the detailed list of Holidays will be printed as last sheet.
Or, you can simply download the already generated Calendar as pdf file from below links.
Contact me (rajamanickam.a@gmail.com) if you find any difficulty in using this Calendar application. And, you can contact me for developing any kind of php/mysql web applications.
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