Thursday, May 16, 2013

Search Motivational Quotes by speaking to TheQuotes.Net

Now, we can search the Motivational Quotes and inspiration articles in TheQuotes.Net just by speaking the search words instead of typing them in the text box.

But right now it will work in Chrome browser ONLY.

Load the Motivational website "TheQuotes.Net"  in Google Chrome Browser. And, then click the Microphone Icon available inside the Search Box which is placed at top right corner of the page.

Now you can speak the search word. For example, if you want to search "abdul kalam quotes", just say "abdul kalam quotes" in your mic. And, then click the search quotes button or hit Enter.

Now you will find the search results for "abdul Kalam quotes".

You can add this voice-recognition feature easily to your website also. You need to add the word "x-webkit-speech" in the input tag of your search box .

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Monday, May 13, 2013

Video for Introducing TheQuotes.Net

Few years back, we have started our Motivational Quotes sites by adding Motivational Quotes Collection. Now, this site has developed in various ways. And, it is becoming popular in Social Media in past few days.  Few motivational Speakers are showing interest to write for this site. But it seems they are not knowing the full potential of this site. So, I came up with this Video explaining various parts of this site.

 And, we are planning to add few more features in coming days.

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Saturday, May 4, 2013

LinkedIn Ads Vs. Google AdWords

For long time we are selling our Timesheet script for $60 ONLY, though the other similar scripts are selling for multiple times of this price. So, I have decided to increase the price from end of the June month. i-e The $60 Offer price will be available till the end of June only. And, I had decided to advertise this Offer sales to the LinkedIn users using Linked Ads.

I am using LinkedIn Ads first time. I have noticed that the LinkedIn ads are varying from Google AdWords in various ways. It requires an activation fees to activate the LinkedIn ads accounts.
Once after activating the account, we can add the Campaigns and ads variations. LinkedIn allows one picture in the ads. But the size should be 50 x 50  only. But Google adWords allow various sizes.

We can choose the Target people by choosing various things such as countries. Even we can choose specific LinkedIn Groups. And, it has an option to get the contact details of the people who clicked the ad so that we can follow up them. All these things look great. But personally I didn't get any leads. (i-e the Ad viewers didn't opt-in for getting contacted).

In brief I feel Google AdWords looks better than LinkedIn Ads, though it has the great potential to be better than Google Adwords.

I am not sure that why LinkedIn Ads didn't work for me. Have you used LinkedIn Ads previously? Do you prefer to run LinkedIn Ads than Google Adwords? Share your thoughts thro' the comments.

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