Choose your favorite card, and click on that card to customize the card. You can impose your personal greetings message on that card and send it to your friend's email. You can change the color, font and font size of the message. It is better to see the preview of the customized card before sending it to your friend.
We have implemented necessary things to prevent spammers using this application. So, mostly all the genuine greetings cards will be delivered to the Inbox so that your friend can see your card.
Few years back we have released a web based application for generating Motivational Calendar. Many people used our application to print various motivational Calendars easily.
So, I have decided to improve this Calendar application further. And, therefore today I updated the script to show the holiday detail at the specified date also apart from showing list of Holidays at the bottom. And, added Holiday list of both India and US for the year 2015.
So, now anyone can easily generate printable motivational calendar for the year 2015.
You can start using this free Calendar generator at
On loading this Page, you will see many Motivational Quotes images. If
you want to have different set of images, you can click the "Change the
Image" till you get desired set of Images.
And, if you want to have your own name or your own company name, you can
replace the default text "TheQuotes.Net" with your name.
By default it will include the U.S Holidays. If you want to include India Holidays to can choose India option.
Click "Preview" button to see the preview of the each of 12 monthly sheets.
Then Click the "Print" button take print out of this Motivational Calendar.
The Holiday Dates will be marked with different color and the detailed list of Holidays will be printed as last sheet.
Or, you can simply download the already generated Calendar as pdf file from below links.
Contact me ( if you find any difficulty in using this Calendar application. And, you can contact me for developing any kind of php/mysql web applications.
Today I have noticed a strange behaviour of mysql database when I tried to convert mysql column type from FLOAT to DOUBLE.
I had a MySql table "employee_project_rates" with a column "basic_hourly_rate" of FLOAT datatype. All the existing records of this table were having values with two decimal places. I wanted to add a new record having a value with more than 10 decimal places. I couldn't do it as the FLOAT datatype won't allow this much decimal places.
So, I had decided to convert the datatype from FLOAT to DOUBLE.
After making this datatype change, I have noticed that basic_hourly_rate value in all the existing records were automatically changed to value with many decimal places. The decimal values beyond the 2 digits are having some random numbers.
I couldn't understand why this kind of change occurs. If you know the reason behind this kind of change, you can share your thoughts through the comments.
Anyway, this change is not acceptable as it had changed the values of existing records.
I came to know that the only way to handle this issue is, we have to solve this issue by adding new column with desired datatype and then adding the values again to the new column.
So, I tried below query after adding a new column basic_hourly_rate_double.
update `employee_project_rates` set basic_hourly_rate_double= basic_hourly_rate
But this approach is not useful, as the values in basic_hourly_rate_double are NOT same as the values in basic_hourly_rate. basic_hourly_rate_double was having many decimal values with random numbers.
So, I used below query to address this issue.
update `employee_project_rates` set basic_hourly_rate_double=ROUND(basic_hourly_rate,2)
After running this query I deleted the basic_hourly_rate column and then renamed basic_hourly_rate_double to basic_hourly_rate.
The approach solved all the issues. Now basic_hourly_rate column of existing records were having unchanged data (i-e values with 2 decimal places) and I can add any new record with values having many decimal places.
Recently I wanted to use both "limit" and "sum" in mysql query.
"Sum" will return single value while "limit" is for returning multiple records.
So, the below query did't work.
select sum(price) as total_price from transactions ORDER by transactiondate DESC limit 50,10
Anyway, I needed this kind of query to get sum of price from all the records starting from 51 to 60 in a pagination script.
I had to redefine the query as below to make it work.
select sum(price) as total_price from ( select price from transactions ORDER by transactiondate DESC limit 50,10 ) as prices
Currently we are looking for hiring Freshers as "Software Engineer - Trainee" for working in our office located at Ottapidram, Tuticorin District.
People who are living in and around Tuticorin can apply for this job.
Initially, the selected candidate will be trained to work as SEO executive to
promote our products and websites in Search Engines and Social Media. If
they are having good web development skills they will be given
opportunity to work in web development projects (php/mysql).
Desired Candidate profile:
Having Good Technical Knowledge and willing to work hard for learning new technologies.
Team work.
First class Degree in B.E/MCA/MS(IT)
Good communication and documentation skills.
Experience/knowledge in PHP/mySql/HTML/CSS/javascript/Ajax
Experience 0-1 years
Job location :Ottapidaram (Tuticorin District)
If you are really interested in this Job opening, please send your updated resume to
Specify your "expected salary" details while sending email.
In this post I am going to discuss about one easy way for earning money from online. Normally, I won't give much importance for reading articles about earning money from online. Because, most of them will be fake or at least they will be requiring some investment. So, I hesitated to write this post about earning money from online as I didn't want this article to be viewed as one among them. For the past one month, I was thinking about whether I need to write this article or not.
Finally, I decided to write this post as it may really help few people who are really interested to earn money online by willing to do lot of hard work in genuine way. And I have one more reason to write this article. As I am planning to write this post with lot of useful information and my experience, I believe many people will share it with their friends. So, it will bring more visitors to my blog which will again help me to earn more money. It is a win-win approach.
Before giving more details, I want to clarify few things. As I am going to write mainly about earning money from youtube videos, I would like to clarify that I am NOT working for YouTube or Google. So, don't take it as official. I am going to write it based on my personal experiences. I haven't done any research/survey/study to come up with this article. I am just writing it based on my own experience and my own thoughts. So, it need not be applicable for everyone.
Let me first give some details about me so that you can understand this article better.
I have completed my Engineering Degree in 1998 in India and worked for various IT companies including IT wings of big investment banks such as BNY and CitiGroup in various roles (mostly in test automation) till 2008. You can see my linkedin profile for more details.
I started my Entrepreneur journey in 2008 by starting my own software development company "QualityPoint Technologies" in Chennai, India and then in Ottapidaram, Tuticorin District. Initially we focused on doing small web development tasks by bidding for projects on freelance websites. Because of the quality of our work and competitive bidding, we used to get many projects and we were able to do more than 120 projects within few years. But it didn't give profit as the employees used to leave the company for better salary from corporates once they got experience from our company. So, I decided to change our business model. I focused on more on developing and promoting our own products such as Timesheet Software. This business model is somewhat better than the previous one, because the high employee attrition rate didn't affect this model much. But this model is also not giving much profit as the advertising cost is high.
I have tried various others ways, such as earning money from taking online QTP course, selling QTP ebook and affiliate marketing. But they are not much effective.
In the mean time, I have noticed that the Google adsense is giving significant earnings from this blog which I started to share my software development experiences initially. So, I had decided to choose Google Adsense earnings as the primary source of income. So, started many websites for showing adsense ads. Even I sold many websites through Websites-market-places such as Flippa and Digitalpoint Forum by showing the adsense revenue. So, I realized that Google Adsense is the best and easy way for earning online. But the websites flipping approach didn't help much as I faced difficulty in selling many sites. Sometimes the Fees for selling the website is more than the website sales price. And, the instability in our Team causes high development and promotion costs. Unnecessarily I was spending money for renewing many domains, and for the hosting servers. So, finally I decided to drop lot of websites by letting them expire themselves instead of wasting my time and money for trying to sell them through Flippa.
Unstable Team causes lot of issues. For example, I have done lot of harwork to bring Automatic Resume Posting tool which has lot of potential to earn money easily. But because of the instability in our Team, I couldn't make money from that amazing thing.
And therefore, I reduced our Team size by closing our Chennai office to avoid further losses driven by unstable team. Right now I have office only in Ottapidaram with very small team. I agree that taking steps to create better and stable Team is the proper way instead of just reducing the team size. But I strongly believe in the message conveyed in the article "The 4 Things Every Entrepreneur should Follow"
So, I prefer to rebuild the effective and stable team from the scratch instead of trying to correct the existing Team. And, that's what I am doing now.
Ok, Let me explain why I am telling all these things while the purpose of this article is about earning money from YouTube Videos. I just want you make sure that you should understand that difficulties are there everywhere, so difficulties you may face while trying to earn money from your YouTube Videos should not stop you from doing it. Everyone should understand it very clearly. That's much more important than all other things. That's why I am trying explain it by spending more time.
Ok, now let me continue it. From my above detailed explanations, it is clear that unstable Team won't allow the Entrepreneur to earn money from any kind of initiative even if all the other things are supporting the Entrepreneur.
So, I have only two ways to make the Team stable. i-e Either I have to find passionate Team members who will work hard without worrying much about their current salary, or I need to give the salary on par with corporates. I don't have much control to follow the first way as it purely depends on the candidates. In India, it is very difficult to find passionate Team members who cares much about future benefits than the current salary. So, I have to choose the second way, i-e I need to give salary equivalent to the corporates. Again I have two ways to do it. Either I have to allow external investors or I need to find other ways to earn money before hiring anyone else. I don't prefer the external investor as it will limit the freedom for our strategies and activities.
So, I have decided to find some way for earning money without depending on Team members much. i-e I was looking for some kind of passive income. That's where YouTube is coming.
I have tried various ways for earning passive income. But I feel YouTube is the best among all the tried ways.
I had spent lot of time, money and energy for trying all other things. But they haven't given any significant benefits. Surprisingly, I started earning significant money from my youtube videos without spending any money for doing it.
In October 2012, I had done some analysis about future trends, and found that YouTube is the one among the 3 important online business. So, I decided to focus more on YouTube.
Till now I have explained about the reasons for choosing YouTube for earning money.
Now let us see how to actually earn money from YouTube.
For earning money from youTube, we need to have two things. One is, you should have your youtube channel, and another is, your Google Adsense Account.
We can do these two things very easily.
You can create your youTube account and Adsense account within few minutes using your Google /Gmail account.
If you are already having Google Adsense account you can integrate it with your YouTube Channel. i-e you can use the same adsense account which you use for your other websites. Or, if you don't have Google Adsense account, you can get it by following the steps given in this article. Note that this hosted adsense account is applicable for youtube only, you can not use it in your other websites.
After creating YouTube Channel and associating it with Adsense account, we can start earn money for our youTube videos that are qualified for monetization.
So, we have to just focus on creating youtube videos and promoting them to get more views and subscribers. Once you earn $100 , Google will send you the money as cheque or directly deposit in your bank depending on your country.
Starting YouTube Channel and getting Adsense Account is not a big deal. You can do it within few minutes. And, you can get any kind of support from Google if you find any difficulty in creating channel or any difficulty in receiving adsense payments.
So, the only thing we need to focus is, getting views or visitors to our videos. i-e promoting our Videos.
Getting views to our videos is not an easy task. It will be really challenging one. Many people will drop their plan of earning money from YouTube once after facing this challenge. That's why I had explained the difficulties in all other kind of online earning ways. So, difficulties and challenges are there everywhere. But YouTube is having lot of options to handle the challenges easily. So, comparatively I feel YouTube is the much better way for earning money easily, and that too without spending any money. So, if you drop your plan of earning money from youtube after facing the difficulties in getting video views, I can say that you are NOT going to earn money from any other online earning opportunities.
As I explained in my previous post, I had spent lot of time in improving loading performance of our website TheQuotes.Net. But we need not worry about these performance things when using YouTube. Google will take care of all hard things. It will deliver youtube videos in various formats at good speed throughout entire world.
The uptime of Youtube site is very high. Google is continuously taking steps to improve the quality and delivery of youtube videos.
You may say that youtube is providing limited control comparing with our own websites. I agree with that point and it is true that Youtube is having some shortcomings. But they are not going to harm you in any way. Let me address them one by one. First, youtube will not allow you have your own domain name. i-e everyone should use the domain name So, we can not sell our youtube channel to anyone else. I feel it is actually providing advantage rather than disadvantage. Because, if we have our our domain name, we may sell it at some time for some reason. But based on my understanding focusing on particular thing for long time is the key for the success. So, youtube is giving you that opportunity.
And, next thing is, YouTube won't allow you to use any advertisement program other than Google adsense. This one also actually provides advantage, though it looks like a disadvantage. I have tried various ad programs including yahoo's for our site. But they perform very poor even though they claim that they are better than Google Adsense. So, ultimately I wasted time and money in trying other ad programs. The other thing is, YouTube will take 45% of the adsense earnings. This one also won't affect you much. Because based on my experience, RPM for my youTube Videos is still high even after reducing 45% youtube cut, comparing to the RPM of my other websites.
So, I am not seeing any disadvantage in focusing on youtube videos.
Now let me give some tips and tricks for using youtube effectively to get more views and therefore earn more money.
Choose your channel name appropriately. I have selected the name qualitypointtech to match with our company name. Anyway, I have integrated with my Google+ profile. So, you will be seeing my name "Rajamanickam Antonimuthu" when seeing my videos. Based on my understanding many people will come to our youtube channel by searching it from Google. So, our youtube channel will be shown to the people who search "qualitypointtech" or "rajamanickam" from Google. So, choose your channel name in unique way so that people can reach your channel by searching it from Google. If you choose some fancy name which is very common, your channel may NOT be shown to the users when they search it from Google. i-e Branding is very important to get traffic from repeated visitors. If you are not doing it properly you may lose them even if they are interested to view your channel.
Getting more subscribers to our channel is very important in terms of getting more views as well as getting good search rank, even for getting some new youtube features (e.g paid channel) which are not available for channels with less number of subscribers.
So, take more care to get more subscribers. Ask everywhere to subscribe for your channel by giving subscription link to the viewers. For example, you can add your channel subscription link in description section of all videos. You may find our channel subscription link at description section of my videos. You can replace "qualitypointtech" with your channel name.
And, you can add subscription link through "annotation" feature of the video. You can find "subscribe" link imposed on the video at the end of many of my videos. We can easily add it by choosing "subscribe" option from drop-down list when setting annotation for your video. You need to type your channel name after choosing "Subscribe" option when adding annotation.
And, if you have your own website or email list you can add your channel subscription link there also. Even you can add your youtube channel subscription link as part of your email signature.
We can embed the youtube channel subscription widget in our blog posts and side bar of the blog or our websites.
For example, find below the subscription widget for my youtube channel.
I had added below code to make it visible.
You can replace "qualitypointtech" with your channel name to create subscription widget for your youtube channel.
Youtube allows you to have channel subscription video. So, make sure that you create one such video and add it as channel trailer so that any new user visits your channel see the channel subscription trailer video. You may see this video when visiting my youtube channel first time. If you have already subscribed to my channel, you won't see this video.
YouTube is the most used search engine next to Google. So, getting search traffic from YouTube is very important to get more views to our videos. So, make sure that you add your target keywords in Title, description and tags of your Video when uploading it. And, note that you have to keep your keyword at beginning of the title. Read this YouTube playbook article to read more details about them.
I have noticed that videos are getting some boost in search rank if we make them as HD video and add subtitle/CC to them. Read my previous post to know how to create HD Video using windows movie maker.
I think thumbnail of the video plays important role in getting more views. So,Create and upload an eye-catching, high-resolution thumbnail.
Apart from Youtube search, your youtube videos can appear in Google search also. So, make sure that it is well optimized for Google search. And, as I explained in this post few years back, Google gives some priority to youtube videos over other websites. i-e Your news item will be treated equivalent to other big news sites.
Once after uploading our videos, we have to promote it in social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and reddit. We can connect our youtube account with twitter and Google+ so that video can be automatically posted to twitter and Google+ once after completing the upload. And, You can find list of social media sites here for promoting your videos.
Apart from sharing your video in your own wall in Facebook, try to share it in relevant facebook Groups and Facebook pages.
After uploading the videos, remember to add them into relevant playlist to organize them properly. And, show your best playlists in your channel home page. Marking your playlist as "Series playlist" will help you to get some more views to your videos. But do it only if the videos in the playlist are relevant or related.
Watch your YouTube analytics report regularly to get details about what kind of videos are earning more. Based on this analysis you can plan your further video creation and promotion activities effectively to maximize the earnings.
YouTube provides many online tools to create videos. For example, you can use the music from youtube audio library. Be careful about whether the audio library song allows you to monetize your video. Some tracks will show their own ads, you won't get paid for that. So, use it only when it is really required.
Always try to give informative video with reliable details, and with proper credits.
Never try to use any copy-righted content, and never hesitate to fight against false copyright claims.
If your videos goes viral, you can earn money very quickly. You can see some viral videos here. But it is very difficult to judge which video will go viral. So, instead of spending time in making viral videos, better we can focus on creating videos which is helping others by sharing knowledge and experience gained by us in long term.
And, whenever you share your video, better share them from playlist. It will give two benefits. One is, your channel will get more views as people tend to view similar videos in the playlist, and next benefit is, probability for the users viewing the ads will be increased, and therefore you can earn more money. For example, I used to share the link like this one for sharing our "Alphabet of Happiness" video. So, mostly people will watch more videos in the "For Happiness" playlist.
Though I am earning significant revenue from my youtube channel, it is nowhere near the salary I got when
I worked for corporates few years back. So, still I have to explore various ways to improve as an Entrepreneur. And I strongly believe in below Quotes, and therefore I am going to continue my hard work to develop our YouTube channel further even though the current revenue from our youtube channel is not high.
In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later
Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.
Based on my all previous experiences, I can predict that my youtube channel earnings will increase very soon.
It is great that you have read this post till the end. It shows that you are passionate about earning money from Youtube videos. So, start uploading youtube videos immediately while keeping your enthusiasm. Don't worry much about video views or earnings initially. Just focus on creating high quality and informative videos frequently, and promote them at relevant websites and groups. Earnings will follow you at appropriate time.
Do you have any other suggestions to earn money from youtube? Share them through the comments.
I will update with more details if get enough time to do it. So, you may check this post later to see some more details.
Today I have noticed an amazing feature from YouTube. I am not sure whether it is already there for long time. But I noticed it today only.
I uploaded this video which was created from the whitehouse channel which keeps their videos in public domain. But, I got below copyright claim message for the song.
Because of this copyright claim, I couldn't monetize this video as it was showing third-party ads.
And, surprisingly I found a button for removing the song alone so that I can monetize the video. After clicking that button, it removed the song alone while keeping the speech as it is. And, within few minutes monetize button got enabled, and the my ads are getting shown now. Really simple and useful.
We can read the details of this youtube feature here.
And, we can watch below the video from which the song is removed using this new feature of youtube. Are you seeing any issue in the audio/speech of this video? you can compare with the original/source video here.
I believe this amazing feature is really useful for the YouTube Video creators. But I am not sure whether it can effectively work for any kind of song/audio.
Have you ever used this feature? You can share your experience thro' the comments.
Google had showed Demo for the prototype of "Project Ara", a modular phone system at Google I/O 2014.
The module phone concept was initially proposed by Dave Hakkens as phonebloks. And, Motorola announced about "project ara" in October 2013.
Google retained the "Project Ara" Team of Motorola, even after Lenovo acquired Motorola.
Previously many people were saying that creating modular phone is impossible. Google's this demo proved them wrong.
Watch the Project Ara Demo in the below video.
Though Google proved the possibility of modular phones technically, many people (through social media discussions, eg.1, eg.2 ) are saying that it is not practically useful.
What do you think about the future of Modular Phones ? You can share your thoughts through the comments.
Find below some interesting and thought-provoking comments in various social media discussions about project ara.
One of the bravest ideas. There is DSLR/M from Ricoh with a modular design, but it had little success. With Google's support modular design may become reality.
A big problem I think everyone can agree on is, there is so much needless junk "out there" in the realm of old power cords for laptops and mobile phone. Why hasn't the various industries standardized a single power cord for all mobile phone, regardless of make? Every mobile phone currently could be run off a mini-USB-to-AC adapter, if the powers that be would get together.
A modular phone is very much in line with a lot of old science fiction--think "Blade Runner"
all you people think this means youll never need to purchase an entire new phone ever again. guess what, the chassis will change, the size will change, the technology and connections will all change.
Adding in complexity where it isn't needed. More parts to fail. It's a cool engineering exercise but I don't see this becoming a thing.
This is a techie dream.
Do people not get that the average consumer does not want to have to make technical decisions for the hardware that they purchase? Imagine a parent having to decide what resolution screen they want, or how much RAM they want their phone to have.
Consumers, as a whole, like to buy something that is sexy, well marketed, and has the "hard" decisions made for them (see: Apple.) While this modular phone looks really cool, it is hardly any of those things.
There was a kickstarter project a while ago that got some interesting funding for such idea. However, I don't see much future in it as in many aspects it is not viable. Imagine how much more expensive a phone would be to modularise all its parts, create connectors and bus, packing and logistics for separate parts etc.
We are getting into the age of a single ship, with all components such as GPS, Wifi, GSM, and everything else being embedded into a single chip and not the other way around.
There may be a niche market for power users and enthusiasts of modules but it wont get to main stream.
The only way it will extend past the techie crowd (heh, IT crowd), is if it becomes a fashion trend.
IF it becomes a fashion trend of who has the prettiest, best modules then it has a very high schance of succeeding. If it doesn't than its doomed.
I think that this is cool idea but I still believe this concept will result in far too many trade-offs. Even if this concept is perfected the phones will never be able to achieve the same performance, reliability, form factor, battery life, and price of a phone from Samsung or Apple. You'll sacrifice on almost every category for the ability swap out chips. Not worth it to me and I doubt it will be worth it to consumers. People replace their phones far too often.
I hope they continue forward with this project because I do see some usefulness in the tablet market
Won't this have the same basic problem that laptops and desktops have when it comes to modularity? Sure, you have the choice of installing a Celeron, Pentium, Core i3, i5, i7 as long as it's within a generation or two and supported by the motherboard and compatible with the socket. However, as technology progresses, buses get faster, interfaces need to be changed and redesigned, and now you have to buy a completely new motherboard and new CPU when it comes time to upgrade.
Even if this project gets off the ground, it's going to have the same problem. Oh, sorry, this brand new phone CPU module that has 2x the performance at half the power usage is not compatible with your phone's module system, please upgrade...
I think this is a classic case of everyone jumping on the bandwagon of something new that promises to do something you wish you could do today but cannot.
A modular phone would far more complicated to manufacture. To make all those components removable you must have a standard of how they are connected to each other. And this standard would have to be upgraded.
Look at PC hard-drives for example. They went from IDE to ATA33 to ATA66 to ATA133 to SATA and so on. Sure some are back and forward compatible but if you want to get the higher speed you must upgrade the motherboard or get a pluging controller.
Meanwhile only some will complain that their desktop is getting boulky and almost no one will complain about the weight...but for a phone everyone would.
That is why this is a pipe dream.
Phones need to be small, powerful and efficient. This is achieved through component integration.
Is it possible to make a modular phone that is as powerful or as efficient or as small as one which has integrated components? Sure, but you only get to pick one or two, not all 3.
I am not anti-progress. All I am saying is this is a meaningless gimmick that is sensationalized in an attempt to squeeze more money out of people. Sort of how NASA puts out a picture of a "craft" that they do not know how it would work, what would power it, or how to even make it. But, here it is so get excited about space exploration... "STAR TREK IS NIGH!" It is all just a pile of bullshit folks and it is passing for truth because education is so poor.
Major kudos to Google for going ahead with this as if it's going to actually pan out.
Obviously none of us can say for sure whether it's going to actually work out or not… I would personally say it most likely won't. However the only way anything has it's best shot at working is if you assume it will work. That's the right attitude.
This is R&D at it's finest. Who know's what we'll get from this project honestly. It might be a complete dead end, it might be a complete success… or we could get other technologies that could get used elsewhere in our phones.
Really exciting project to follow
Ara is just a R&D project. Maybe it will bring some useful knowledge that will be later integrated into real devices - but I don't think it will bring the oh-my-god-so-modular phone to the market. I'm more excited about projects like Neo900 - this is how "modularity" in mobile devices should be achieved. Plus the solution with two PCBs gives hope for even more "modularity" in future, with potential partial updates.
Size matters. Desktop PCs are easy to make modular (unless you want an iMac). Laptops are harder, and besides removable batteries, only a few had any modular components (like a DVD drive swappable for an extra battery). Phones are much more space-constrained. Every millimeter counts, and modularity takes up quite a bit of space at that scale, because each part needs to be enclosed, securely attach to the others, etc.
In short, a modular phone is possible, but the trade-offs will be severe, and you'll be able to pick one or two things (e.g. speed, battery life, extra features, small size, etc.) but not all at the same time. And the prices won't be good, because manufacturer(s) will lose economies of scale: it'll be hard to compete with Apple and Samsung making millions and tens of millions of identical units.
Google I/O is an annual developer-focused conference held by Google in San Francisco, California. Google I/O features highly technical, in-depth sessions focused on building web, mobile, and enterprise applications with Google and open web technologies such as Android, Chrome, Chrome OS, Google APIs, Google Web Toolkit, App Engine, and more.
Google I/O was started in 2008. The "I" and "O" stand for input/output, and "Innovation in the Open".
Google I/O 2014 is being held at the Moscone Center, San Francisco.
Watch the below Video to see the Highlights of Google I/O 2014 Keynote.
Recently Microsoft unveiled a low cost smartphone "Nokia X2", targeting Emerging market Countries like India, China, Russia and Nigeria.
Nokia X2 is provided with a 1.2GHz dual-core Snapdragon processor, a 5MP camera, a big screen (4.3-inch display), dual-sim, and 15GB of inbuilt storage space.
It is coming in various colours like green, orange, black, yellow and grey.
Nokia X2 will compete with dual-SIM models like Moto G, HTC Desire and Samsung Duos.
And, interestingly Nokia X2 is powered by Android OS. Everyone was surprised as Microsoft opted Android OS instead of its own Windowsphone OS.
Although the Nokia X2 is running Android, the OS has been heavily modified to look more like a Windows Phone interface.
Anyway, it is big surprise to see Microsoft preferring Android instead of its own OS.
This Reddit discussion is giving some insights about Why Microsoft is using Android OS in its Nokia X2 phone
Mostly they are highlighting two things in the disucssion. One is, Nokia might have developed this phone with Android before the Microsoft acquisition. Second is, Microsoft is trying to attract the Android fans, and it may force them to WP in future.
Find below the comments made in this discussion.
My understanding is that it's mostly for emerging markets. The phones have generally been lower spec devices than what you'd get with a phone running wp81 and the cost is also lower as a result.
Personally I think it's a bad business decision for MS, even though I'm actually a big Android fan. If MS wants to compete in third world markets, they need to optimize Windows Phone OS to work on low end hardware, just as Android has done with its KitKat release.
But the phone was in the works at Nokia long before MS' acquisition, so it may be a question of the right arm not quite yet having control of the left arm, if you know what I mean.
I think it is to turn people on to the MS way of doing things, I think my next phone might be a MS phone if they can come out with something with a huge screen. While still an android phone it looks and behaves like windows. Get used to the style and maybe switch at their next upgrade.
Its for people who use google services or an app that they can't get on windows phone, but they still want the experience of having wp8. The hope is they start to use microsoft services instead of google's, this would then make them more likely to buy a wp8 device in the future.
Nokia was apparently already working on it before the merger. Now that you have this asset, what would you do with it? In theory, you could just throw away that work. But the more strategic minded could probably make use of just about any asset as a tool in their grand plan - whatever it happens to be.
Maybe it's a classic bait and switch - come for the Android apps, stay for the MS interface (and other stuff).
Maybe it's meant to ease the transition to the WP-world for Android-addicts - calm fears of lacking apps, while at the same time serving as temptation to try full WP. Seems MS saw that Apple won the sprint, but was eventually passed by Google in the marathon, and whichever companies are relentless enough, they may just run forever.
(And if there's any company with the software chops to wrest control of the most popular Android fork away from Google, it would probably be MS.)
What is your thought about it? Share your thoughts thro' comments.
Few days back, Google had unveiled prototype of its own self-driving car which is not having Steering Wheel, Pedals and Brakes. This Google Car can be driven at 25 mph speed.
In United States of America, as of now, four states (California, Nevada, Florida and Michigan) allow self-driving cars on their roads as long as a human driver is in the car at all times.
Watch below the Video of Google Car.
Google's this driverless Car is getting various comments in Social Media and News Media. Let us see of the interesting comments about this innovative Car from Google.
Let us first see the comments made by the viewers in Youtube and Google+ after viewing this Video.
heh, its cute.
I'd buy it, once I'm sure the kinks are worked out.
but the price is what will matter the most. This needs to be "Model T" cheap to make any sort of difference.
Meeting gone Google, documents gone Google, presentations gone Google
Now Transportation gone Google
I'd take one as it is now because the risk of injury is so far less than driving a car my self and I've been to professional driving school (drifting, stunts, etc.).
The computers on the car monitor hundreds of objects and it can detect a potential accident far in advance of the human minds amount of time to begin to notice one a second before it happens. The car is able to react and slow down or stop if it notices an accident is possible, like an SUV about to run a stop light when the auto car has the green light, it would come to a stop and wait for the SUV to go through whereas the human driver would have been at the stop line still going 30mph before noticing out of the corner of their eye the SUV smashing into them.
Having these on the road WILL save lives guaranteed even if sharing the road with non-automated cars.
This is ridiculous. More technique the higher the risk of malfunctions and system errors. And in time people will forget how to drive and there would be useless to get one of the most exiting things to get.. A driving licence.
And how does a car without breaks stop it self? Is it suppose to stop accelerating and then just roll on and let the tire friction eventually put it to stand still and if it wont manage to stop in time before you pass by your destination then you have to jump out the door or what??
Will never take off, would be to expensive, why would you want to take the fun out of driving?
what is the point of owning a car if you aren't going to drive it? Okay, maybe people who own a cheap stupid car will disagree, but...
If everyone has driverless cars, how will my Police Department be able to issue traffic citations? It accounts for over 58% of the PD's revenue where I live. How will my insurance company stay afloat if there are too few accidents to warrant current insurance rates?
It looks like a cheap toy or disabled person car, the design is horrible.
Now let us see some comments about the Google Car from News Media.
The verge has reported that "Google's car could be the best thing ever for privacy on the road. Ducking the police may be a lot easier in the future"
And, it raises below questions also.
Will Google target ads to drivers based on where they roam?
Will companies share your driving data with dubious marketers or sketchy data brokers? And what about the police? Will driverless cars be safe from the NSA?
The is raising questions about the control of the car. It says "Delighting people during a demo is great for a PR video, but the true test of design isn’t how it’s received by a hand-picked audience. The real test is in the reactions of regular people, stressed during the day, bored or hungry, grouchy during a long commute. And those same stresses prime other reactions: When someone is feeling low, how do they react when the car does something weird? When it lurches in traffic or when the occupant simply gets impatient and frustrated with traffic? And, if you want to get really concrete, how will you tell the car where to go? Will it be voice-powered? Will you have a say in route or speed or driving style? What controls will dictate that, and will they be usable in real time? "
According to General Motors Co., Google Inc. could become a “serious competitive threat” to the auto industry if it continues to push its self-driving cars.
The Guardian Says, The driverless car is to be welcomed for safety reasons, but who is at the wheel of the company's new vehicle? Why did Google have to make its prototype driverless vehicle look like a child's toy car? What does it mean? Are we to be children guided by Google-knows-best?
According to Cbc.Ca the most obvious beneficiaries of a self-driving car would be seniors or the disabled, who may not be able to operate a conventional automobile.
New York Times says that the Google Cars can travel with the speed of 100 miles per hours once they prove the safety.
What do you think about future of Google's Driverless Cars? Share your comments.
A Video will be called as "Viral Video" if it becomes popular by the internet sharing activities, such as social media sharing (e.g Facebook, Twitter), email and video sharing sites (e.g youtube)
I am planning to keep this post to list the best viral videos. Share your suggestions to make it as best place to find good viral videos.
Find below some of the best Viral Videos. I am planning to update this list frequently. So bookmark this page and visit again.
Flying Lion: Buffalo Launches Predator Into The Air
THIS lion was flipped five metres into the air by a buffalo in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. The buffalo bull was conducting a daring rescue mission in a bid to save his friend from certain death.
Heroic Cat Saves Child From Dog Attack
PSY's Gangnam Style
Kicked in the head by a train
Man catches Baby Falling from Balcony of Second Floor in China - CCTV Footage Video
CCTV footage has captured the dramatic moment a baby was caught by a passerby after falling two storeys from a building in China.
Cutest and most fluffiest Dog EVER !
Charlie bit my finger - again !
'I Quit' Dance for doing Job Resignation
A Pep Talk from Kid President
Motivational Vido - How Bad Do You Want It? (Success)
When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful.
India's National Television Channel Doordarshan did live telecast of the Swearing-in-Ceremony of Narendra Modi as the 15th Prime Minister of India. We can watch this completed live youtube video here.
The Union Council of Ministers were also taken oath on the occasion which was presided over by President Pranab Mukherjee.
This event in the Rashtrapati Bhavan started at around 6.00 P.M IST. Watch this Video to see the highlights of this oath taking ceremony.
Around 4,000 guests, including Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and other South Asian leaders, attended this oath ceremony.
This is the first time that the heads of states of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) have been invited for the oath ceremony of an Indian Prime Minister.
Apart from Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai, Bhutan Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay, Nepal Prime Minister Sushil Koirala and Maldivian President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom are also attending the event.
Image Credit: MEA India
Anil Ambani, Sunil Mittal, Prashant Ruia, Gautam Adani, Pawan Munjal and AM Naik will be among the 4,000 people expected to attend the grand celebrations.
Tamil Film Actor Superstar Rajinikanth has decided to skip Narendra Modi's swearing in as Prime Minister.
More than 10,000 personnel are deployed for giving security for the Rashtrapati Bhavan during this swearing-in ceremony.
All invited foreign leaders with Indian leaders at the Swearing-in Ceremony of PM Narendra Modi
Portfolios of the Union Council of Ministers
Prime Minister
Shri Narendra Modi
Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Atomic Energy Department of Space
All important policy issues
and all other portfolios not allocated to any Minister
Cabinet Ministers
Shri Raj Nath Singh
Home Affairs
Smt. Sushma Swaraj
External Affairs
Overseas Indian Affairs
Shri Arun Jaitley
Corporate Affairs
Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu
Urban Development
Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation
Parliamentary Affairs
Shri Nitin Jairam Gadkari
Road Transport and Highways
Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda
Sushri Uma Bharati
Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
Dr. Najma A. Heptulla
Minority Affairs
Shri Gopinathrao Munde
Rural Development
Panchayati Raj
Drinking Water and Sanitation
Shri Ramvilas Paswan
Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
Shri Kalraj Mishra
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Smt. Maneka Sanjay Gandhi
Women and Child Development
Shri Ananthkumar
Chemicals and Fertilizers
Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad
Communications and Information Technology
Law and Justice
Shri Ashok Gajapathi Raju Pusapati
Civil Aviation
Shri Anant Geete
Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises
Smt. Harsimrat Kaur Badal
Food Processing Industries
Shri Narendra Singh Tomar
Labour and Employment
Shri Jual Oram
Tribal Affairs
Shri Radha Mohan Singh
Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot
Social Justice and Empowerment
Smt. Smriti Zubin Irani
Human Resource Development
Dr. Harsh Vardhan
Health and Family Welfare
Ministers of State
General V.K. Singh
Development of North Eastern Region (Independent Charge)
External Affairs
Overseas Indian Affairs
Shri Inderjit Singh Rao
Planning (Independent Charge)
Statistics and Programme Implementation (Independent Charge)
Shri Santosh Kumar Gangwar
Textiles (Independent Charge)
Parliamentary Affairs
Water Resources, River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation
Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs and Sports (Independent Charge)
Shri Prakash Javadekar
Information and Broadcasting (Independent Charge)
Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Independent Charge)
Parliamentary Affairs
Shri Piyush Goyal
Power (Independent Charge)
Coal (Independent Charge)
New and Renewable Energy (Independent Charge)
Dr. Jitendra Singh
Science and Technology (Independent Charge)
Earth Sciences (Independent Charge)
Prime Minister Office
Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Atomic Energy
Department of Space
Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman
Commerce and Industry (Independent Charge)
Corporate Affairs
Shri G.M. Siddeshwara
Civil Aviation
Shri Manoj Sinha
Shri Nihalchand
Chemicals and Fertilizers
Shri Upendra Kushwaha
Rural Development
Panchayati Raj
Drinking Water and Sanitation
My dear fellow Indians and citizens of the world, Namaste!
A very warm welcome to the official website of the Prime Minister of India.
On 16th May 2014 the people of India gave their verdict. They delivered a mandate for development, good governance and stability. As we devote ourselves to take India’s development journey to newer heights, we seek your support, blessings and active participation. Together we will script a glorious future for India. Let us together dream of a strong, developed and inclusive India that actively engages with the global community to strengthen the cause of world peace and development.
I envision this website as a very important medium of direct communication between us. I am a firm believer in the power of technology and social media to communicate with people across the world. I hope this platform creates opportunities to listen, learn and share one’s views.
Through this website you will also get all the latest information about my speeches, schedules, foreign visits and lot more. I will also keep informing you about innovative initiatives undertaken by the Government of India. Yours, Narendra Modi
Prime Minister Narendra Modi paying homage to the father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi on assuming charge at South Block
FFmpeg is a very powerful Media Tool for converting audio/video files of different file formats into our required format. It supports lot of file formats and supports various options while making conversion. FFmpeg is Free Tool. Basically it is linux based tool. Anyway, it is available for windows also.
Today I needed to convert a video file in .ogv format into .avi format for creating a video for our youtube channel. I decided to use FFmpeg tool for doing this conversion. So, I downloaded windows version of FFmepg from here
And, from command line I executed below command as suggested by various ffmpeg related websites.
ffmpeg -i original.ogv -sameq converted.avi
But it showed below error message.
Option 'sameq' was removed. If you are looking for an option to preserve the quality (which is not what -sameq was for), use -qscale 0 or an equivalent quality factor option.
As per the suggestion message, I tried as below.
ffmpeg -i original.ogv -qscale 0 converted.avi
It successfully created the .avi file. But video quality is not good when running from ffplay, and I couldn't import this file into windows movie maker tool.
So, I decided to create .wmv file instead of .avi file. And, therefore I executed below command.
ffmpeg -i original.ogv -qscale 0 converted.wmv
The wmv file was created successfully. And, the video quality was better than avi format, and I could successfully import this video into windows movie maker.
Directorate of Government Examination (DGE) in Tamilnadu has declared 2014 SSLC Exam Results today (Friday, 23rd May 2014).
Overall Pass Percentage is 90.7 % (Boys - 88%; Girls - 93.6%). Around 10,38,876 students appeared for the SSLC exam which was conducted in March-April 2014 in Tamilnadu.
19 Students got State First Rank in this SSLC exam by scoring 499 marks out of 500 Marks. Among these 19 Students 18 are Girls. Mahesh from Pattukotai, is the only boy in the list of State First Rank holders.
Students can see the results / marks by giving their registration number and Date of birth (in dd/mm/yyyy format) in any of the below websites.
And, Students can get the SSLC exam result as SMS by sending a message to the mobile no 09282232585 in the format, TNBOARD [space] [registration no], [DOB in DD/MM/YYYY format]
Customers of BSNL can get the SSLC result by sending SMS to 53576 SSLC [space] Registration Number. There is no charge for sending this SMS. But Rs. 3 will be charged when receiving the Results / Marks SMS.
10 students in the State First Rank list, are from Dharmapuri District. And, no one from the state capital Chennai.
And, the state first student Bahira Banu has studied in Government School, Pathamadai in Nellai District.
Find below the complete list of State First students.
Bahira Banu, Government School, pathamadai, Cheranmadevi
Srirathnamani, Virudunagar
Mahesh, Pattukotai
Krithika, Kallakurichi
Sandhya, Tuticorin
Sanjana, Mellur Madurai
Sheron, Satthur
125 students got state 2nd Rank in the 10th standard Exam by scoring 498 Marks. And, 321 students got 3rd Rank by getting 497 Marks.
Find below the Subject-wise Centum details (i-e 100/100)
Mathematics - 18,682 Students Scored 100 out of 100
Science - 69,560 Students Scored 100 out of 100
Social Science - 26,554 Students Scored 100 out of 100
Tamil - 255 Students Got 100 out of 100.
English - 677 students got 100 out of 100.
And, find below the District-Wise pass percentage Statistics.
Three students who did not take Tamil as first language scored 500 out of 500 Marks.
- Hema Varsini G. from Velammal Matriculation School, Chennai. (French)
- Durga Devi, TVS Matriculation Higher Secondary School Madurai. (Sanskrit)
- Vijayamurthy S.V. from GRG Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore. (French)
Students can apply for their mark sheets through their schools. Private candidates can get their mark sheets at their examination centres on Friday. Results for private candidates will not be published online.
Students can apply for re-totalling of their papers online from May 26 to May 31. The cost for the retotalling ranges from Rs 205 to Rs 305 according to the subjects.
Those who failed in this exam can apply for the supplementary examinations which will be held in the last week of June. Students can register for the examinations through their schools and private candidates through examination centres. The registration must be done between May 26 and 31. The examination will cost Rs. 125 and registration fee Rs. 50.
About SSLC Exam:
SSLC stands for Secondary School Leaving Certificate. Indianeducation system consists of five years of primary schooling and then another five years of secondary schooling. SSLC certificate will be issued at the end of the secondary schooling if the student pass the the exam conducted by the Board of Examination.
SSLC certificate will be useful for joining industrial training and Polytechnic colleges. And, SSLC certificate was previously (i-e when registration of Birth was not mandatory in India) used as proof for the Date of Birth while applying for passports in India.
SSLC Exam is also known as 10th Standard Exam, or Class X Exam.
Search Engine Google is rolling out major Panda 4.0 update starting from May 20th.
Mostly this update will be a multi-day roll-out. i-e It will take few days to become fully effective.
Google's Web Spam Team Head Matt Cutts made this announcement in Twitter by sending below tweet.
Google is rolling out our Panda 4.0 update starting today.
— Matt Cutts (@mattcutts) May 20, 2014
Read my previous article, if you are not aware of what is panda update.
From the version naming, we can understand that the Panda 4.0 is a major update. Mostly it will be both an algorithmic update and a data refresh.
Are you seeing any major change in your Analytics reports?
What kind of changes you are seeing? Share your observations through
the comments.
And, Google has released a new algorithm update to their Payday Loan Algorithm.
This algorithm specifically targets "very spammy queries" and is unrelated to the Panda or Penguin algorithms.