I have published a Kindle eBook
"Motivation from TheQuotes.Net - Inspirational Quotes To Get You Motivated Positively ". You can buy it from
Many Great people like Napoleon Hill, Zig Ziglar, Brain Tracy and Norman
Vincent Peale had already explained about the importance of positive
thinking, and about the power of subconscious mind.
Most of the
people know this fact, but still they find difficulty in staying
positive at all times. They are looking for an appropriate way for
keeping them positive at all the time. This eBook will be useful for
Zig Ziglar Says, “
People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing ; that's why we recommend it daily”
it is important to read about motivational things daily to stay
positive all the time so as to utilize the power of subconscious mind.
This eBook has huge collection of Famous Motivational Quotes that are
collected carefully so as to give positive energy to the Readers.
Apart from Famous Motivational Quotes, it covers below topics also.
- Top 8 secrets for achieving Success
- Business motivational Quotes for Start-ups and aspiring Entrepreneurs.
- 40 Secrets for Happy life.
- Inspiring Bible Quotes
Inspiring Quotes of Great people such as Mother Teresa, Abraham
Lincoln, Barack Obama, Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Abdul Kalam and
Steve Jobs.
- Motivational Quotes of famous people like Kahlil Gibran, Napoleon Hill, Confucius, Aristotle and Maya Angelou.
And, it includes some Pictures Quotes from TheQuotes.Net
I have included this eBook into
"KDP Select" which allows me to give this eBook for
FREE for any of 5 Days in 90 Days period. I am working on to utilize this option to give this eBook for Free to our subscribers, our Forum members, TheQuotes.Net Facebook Page members, TheQuotes.Net Google Plus Community members and Twitter Followers.
I will be sending tweet once the Free period is activated. Follow me
@rajamanickam_a to get his update.
I had set the Amazon "KDP Select" free promotions on 31st March and 1st April. It will start at 12 a.m PST. i-e You can get
this ebook for free in few hours. Remember to share your review about this ebook in Amazon. Let me know if you face any difficulty in getting it FREE on 31st March and 1st April.
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