Wednesday, January 31, 2024

MP3 audio file of my Book "Dream Big, Move Forward Inch By Inch"

A few months back, I narrated my book "Dream Big, Move Forward Inch By Inch" and published this post to allow everyone to listen to the audiobook freely.

Today, I created this sales page to sell the mp3 file of this audiobook.

For a few days, you can play/download it below. Note that the size of this MP3 file is 255MB and the duration is more than four and half hours. So, download it only when you have enough space on your device, otherwise just use the Play option.  My accent/pronunciation may not be understandable for everyone. So, I would suggest listening to it on my YouTube channel so that you can read the text as a subtitle/CC while listening to the audio. Anyway, you can go ahead with downloading the mp3 file below if you want to listen to it offline.

If you are provided with "open with", choosing the option "Drive" will be helpful to listen to it smoothly. Otherwise, you may need to skip (Click the "Play anyway" button) a warning message saying that a virus scan not be done due to the large size.

And, when I tried in on my mobile phone, I was not able to click the "Play anyway" button as it was hidden. So, I needed to switch to "desktop" mode to click that button on my mobile. Are you able to play/download it? Share your experience through the comments.
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Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Selling ebooks and software through Gumroad

For the past few weeks, I have been spending significant effort in finding adsense alternatives for monetizing my blog and websites. I explored and tested various ad-networks such as adsterra, popads, monetag, etc. I removed them immediately as most of the ads are not good to the users.  And, I applied for many ad networks (ezoic, infolinks, etc) which rejected my sites.

I did a lot of Google searches and chatted with chatGPT/Bard to find a suitable ad network. I spent significant time and effort on this purpose. But finally, I realized that promoting my own products would be better than showing other people's ads. So, today I shifted my focus toward promoting my own products.

It is true that showing ads is easy compared to selling our own products. I understand that I need to work hard to sell my own products. But I believe it will be good in the long run. So, instead of spending my time searching for a good ad network, I decided to put my efforts into creating my own products and selling them in various ways. Though product sales will be my high-priority task, I will be still looking for good ad networks by putting in a little effort. Because ads provided by ad networks can cover various audiences from various countries. But my own products will be for a limited set of audiences in a few countries only.

Apart from selling my ebooks  from my blog and Amazon, I decided to start selling them through various other channels. 

 I created a payment page on Instamojo  so that people in India can buy my ebooks using various payment methods. You can get a %50 discount by using the Discount code "QPT" there.

And, I listed my ebooks and timesheet software on  Gumroad also. 

You can check them at

Gumroad provides an option to share the product sales income with affiliates. I set a %50 commission for each product. If you are interested in earning money by promoting ebooks and timesheet software, submit this simple form

Gumroad will be taking care of affiliate payments. So, be familiar with Gumroad terms and conditions before putting efforts into promoting my products.

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Monday, January 29, 2024

How to earn from Web Development?

You can monetize your web development skills in various ways. You need not be an expert to start earning money. Even with very little HTML knowledge, you will be able to earn money by doing simple HTML markup works or even developing simple static websites for small businesses.
The world of web development offers exciting avenues for earning while doing what you love. Here are some ways you can turn your coding skills into income:

Earn from freelancing

Embarking on a freelance web development career is an exciting venture that allows you to leverage your coding prowess to build a thriving business. In this practical guide, we'll explore actionable steps to kickstart your freelancing journey and secure meaningful projects.

1. Craft an Impressive Portfolio:

Begin by creating a visually appealing and comprehensive portfolio that showcases your best work. Include diverse projects that highlight your proficiency in web development, from responsive design to e-commerce solutions.

2. Define Your Niche:

Consider specializing in a specific niche, such as WordPress development or mobile app design. Specialization not only sets you apart in the market but also attracts clients seeking expertise in their particular industry.

3. Establish a Professional Online Presence:

Create a professional website showcasing your portfolio, skills, and client testimonials. Simultaneously, optimize your LinkedIn profile to enhance your visibility within the professional community.

4. Join Freelance Platforms:

Register on popular freelance platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, or Fiverr. Develop a compelling profile that clearly outlines your skills, experience, and the value you bring to clients. Actively bid on projects aligned with your expertise.

5. Network Actively:

Attend both local and virtual networking events to connect with potential clients and fellow freelancers. Engage in industry forums and social media groups to expand your network and discover new opportunities.

6. Clearly Define Your Services:

Articulate the web development services you offer, emphasizing your strengths and capabilities. This clarity helps clients understand your expertise and align their needs with your skills.

7. Set Competitive Pricing:

Research market rates to establish competitive pricing for your services. Consider the complexity of projects, your level of expertise, and the value you provide when determining your rates.

8. Upskill Continuously:

Stay abreast of the latest web development trends and technologies. Regularly upskill to remain competitive, and consider acquiring certifications that enhance your credibility within the freelance market.

9. Provide Outstanding Customer Service:

Prioritize effective communication, set clear expectations, and keep clients informed throughout the project lifecycle. A positive client experience leads to client satisfaction, repeat business, and valuable referrals.

10. Offer Post-Development Services:

Consider providing maintenance and support packages to clients. Offering ongoing support after the project completion not only ensures client satisfaction but also positions you as a reliable long-term partner.

Embarking on a freelancing career in web development requires a combination of skill, strategy, and a proactive mindset. By crafting a compelling portfolio, specializing in a niche, networking actively, and delivering exceptional customer service, you can lay a solid foundation for a successful freelancing journey. Stay adaptable, continuously enhance your skills, and watch as your freelance web development business thrives in the dynamic digital landscape.

Earn from your Websites

For aspiring web developers, the journey goes beyond crafting compelling code—it extends into transforming your skills into a lucrative venture. One powerful avenue is leveraging your website to generate income. In this guide, we'll explore diverse strategies for monetizing your website and turning your passion for web development into a sustainable income stream.

1. Establish Your Online Presence:

Before diving into monetization strategies, ensure your website serves as a strong foundation. Design a clean, user-friendly interface, optimize for mobile responsiveness, and create engaging, high-quality content. A professional and well-maintained website is your canvas for future monetization endeavors.

2. Explore Ad Revenue:

Ad revenue is a classic method of monetization. Platforms like Google AdSense allow you to display ads on your website, earning revenue when visitors click or view these ads. However, striking a balance is crucial—too many ads can deter users, impacting your website's overall experience.

3. Affiliate Marketing:

Joining affiliate programs lets you earn a commission by promoting products or services. Incorporate affiliate links naturally within your content, recommending products relevant to your audience. Be transparent about your affiliations to build trust with your visitors.

I am offering a 50% commission to the affiliates. If you are interested in using this opportunity, check the details here.

4. Sell Digital Products:

Leverage your expertise to create and sell digital products. Whether it's coding tutorials, e-books, or design templates, your audience may be eager to purchase educational or time-saving resources directly from your website. Platforms like Gumroad and Sellfy simplify the selling process.

5. Offer Online Courses:

Consider sharing your web development skills through online courses. Platforms like Udemy and Teachable allow you to create and sell courses, providing value to your audience while generating income.

6. Freelance Services:

Promote your web development skills by offering freelance services directly through your website. Create a portfolio showcasing your work, set clear service offerings, and incorporate a user-friendly contact form for potential clients.

7. Subscription Models:

Introduce subscription-based models for premium content or services. Whether it's a members-only section with exclusive resources or a subscription-based newsletter, recurring revenue can contribute to the financial sustainability of your website.

8. Host Webinars or Virtual Events:

Engage with your audience through webinars or virtual events. Monetize these experiences through ticket sales, sponsorships, or partnerships with relevant brands. This not only generates income but also enhances your authority within the web development community.

9. Donations and Crowdfunding:

Enable donation options on your website for visitors who appreciate your content. Platforms like Patreon or Buy Me a Coffee provide easy ways for your audience to support you financially.

Monetizing your website as a web developer is a journey that requires creativity, dedication, and a deep understanding of your audience. By combining your technical skills with smart business strategies, you can turn your website into a valuable asset that not only showcases your expertise but also generates a sustainable income. Remember, the key is to deliver value to your audience while finding monetization methods that align with your brand and resonate with your visitors. As you embark on this exciting endeavor, let the synergy between your passion for web development and your entrepreneurial spirit drive your success.

Earn from selling Web Applications

For passionate web developers, the thrill of code isn't confined to just building functional applications. The entrepreneurial spirit whispers another exciting prospect: selling your creations. Stepping into the world of web application sales opens doors to financial independence, creative freedom, and the chance to directly impact users' lives. But where do you start? Let's explore the opportunities brimming in this realm:

1. Craft Solutions, Solve Problems:

Think beyond basic websites. Identify real-world problems and craft web applications that offer elegant solutions. Imagine building a platform that connects pet sitters with busy owners, or an app that streamlines grocery shopping for families. The possibilities are endless. By focusing on genuine needs, you'll attract a dedicated user base and secure a competitive edge.

2. Choose Your Monetization Model:

Selling web applications isn't a one-size-fits-all game. You have diverse options:

  • Subscriptions: Offer recurring access to your app's features, building a steady income stream. Think SaaS models like Spotify or Canva.

  • One-time purchases: Sell licenses for permanent access to your app, ideal for niche solutions with fixed functionalities.

  • Freemium model: Allow free basic features with premium upgrades for advanced functionality, catering to both budget-conscious and power users.

  • In-app purchases: Offer additional features or content within the app for users who want to enhance their experience.

3. Marketing is Your Magic Wand:

Building a great app is only half the battle. You need to reach your target audience. Master the art of marketing:

  • Content marketing: Create blog posts, tutorials, and videos showcasing your app's benefits.

  • Social media engagement: Connect with potential users on platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn.

  • Leverage user reviews: Encourage satisfied users to leave positive reviews and testimonials.

4. Embrace the Community:

Don't go it alone. Web development is a vibrant community with forums, conferences, and online groups. Seek support, share experiences, and learn from seasoned entrepreneurs. Collaboration can spark new ideas and open doors to valuable partnerships.

5. The Journey is the Reward:

Building and selling web applications is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It's a marathon, not a sprint. Be prepared for challenges, adapt to market trends, and constantly refine your product. The satisfaction of seeing your creation solve real-world problems is a reward in itself.

Remember, web application entrepreneurship is an exciting path for aspiring developers. With the right mix of creativity, technical prowess, and marketing savvy, you can turn your code into a thriving business. So, embrace the challenge, unleash your inner entrepreneur, and build your dream web application empire!

I earned significant money from our Timesheet application. Apart from earning money by selling the source code of the application, I could earn further by doing freelance work for the app buyers. 

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Web Hosting Providers

 Hosting providers play a crucial role in making websites accessible on the internet. They offer services that allow individuals and businesses to store and manage their website files, databases, and other resources on servers connected to the internet. Here's an overview of hosting providers and key considerations when choosing one:

Types of Hosting:

  • Shared Hosting:

    • Description: Multiple websites share resources on a single server.

    • Pros: Cost-effective, easy to manage for beginners.

    • Cons: Limited resources, potential performance impact if other sites on the server experience high traffic.

  • VPS Hosting (Virtual Private Server):

    • Description: Virtual partitioning of a physical server, providing dedicated resources to each virtual server.

    • Pros: More control and resources than shared hosting, scalable.

    • Cons: Requires more technical knowledge than shared hosting.

  • Dedicated Hosting:

    • Description: Entire server dedicated to a single user or entity.

    • Pros: Maximum control and customization, high performance.

    • Cons: Higher cost, requires server management skills or a managed hosting service.

  • Cloud Hosting:

    • Description: Resources are distributed across multiple servers, offering scalability and redundancy.

    • Pros: High availability, scalability, pay-as-you-go pricing.

    • Cons: Costs can scale with usage, and some technical expertise is required.

  • Managed WordPress Hosting:

    • Description: Hosting optimized specifically for WordPress websites.

    • Pros: WordPress-specific optimizations, automatic updates, and security features.

    • Cons: Usually more expensive than shared hosting.

Key Considerations When Choosing a Hosting Provider:

  • Performance:

    • Check for server reliability, uptime guarantees, and server response times.

  • Scalability:

    • Consider future growth and ensure the hosting provider can accommodate increased traffic and resource needs.

  • Security:

    • Look for security features such as firewalls, SSL certificates, and regular backups.

  • Support:

    • Evaluate the level of customer support offered—24/7 support, live chat, ticket system, etc.

  • Ease of Use:

    • Consider the user interface and ease of managing your hosting account and website.

  • Cost:

    • Understand the pricing structure, including any hidden fees. Consider your budget and the value provided.

  • Server Location:

    • Choose a server location that aligns with your target audience to ensure faster load times.

  • Features:

    • Check for features like one-click installations, email hosting, content delivery network (CDN) integration, and more.

  • Reviews and Reputation:

    • Research customer reviews and the reputation of the hosting provider.

  • Backup and Restore Options:

    • Ensure that the hosting provider offers regular backups and easy restoration options.

Popular Hosting Providers:

  • Bluehost:

    • Known for WordPress hosting, shared hosting, and ease of use.

  • SiteGround:

    • Offers shared, cloud, and dedicated hosting with excellent customer support.

  • HostGator:

    • Provides a range of hosting solutions with a user-friendly interface.

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services):

    • A cloud hosting platform with a wide array of services for scalable and customizable hosting.

  • DigitalOcean:

    • Specializes in cloud infrastructure with a developer-friendly platform.

  • GoDaddy:

    • Offers a variety of hosting services, domain registration, and website-building tools.

Choosing the right hosting provider depends on your specific needs, budget, and technical requirements. It's essential to assess your goals and match them with a provider that aligns with your web hosting needs.

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Leveraging WordPress for Earning Money

WordPress, originally a robust blogging platform, has evolved into a versatile content management system (CMS) that powers over 40% of the web. Beyond its user-friendly interface and customization capabilities, WordPress offers abundant opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs and web developers to turn their passion into profit. In this article, we'll explore the myriad ways you can leverage WordPress to earn money.

1. Building and Selling WordPress Themes:

One lucrative avenue is designing and selling WordPress themes. With the ever-growing demand for visually appealing and functional websites, a well-crafted theme can find a market. Platforms like ThemeForest allow you to showcase and sell your themes to a global audience.

2. Developing Custom WordPress Plugins:

Extend WordPress functionality by creating custom plugins. Whether it's enhancing SEO, improving security, or introducing unique features, there's a vast market for plugins. Consider offering free versions with premium upgrades for added revenue.

3. Freelance WordPress Development:

Tap into the vast world of freelancing by offering your WordPress development services. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr connect you with clients seeking WordPress expertise. Build a portfolio, highlight your skills, and bid competitively to secure projects.

4. Starting a WordPress Blog:

Blogging remains a powerful way to generate income. Use WordPress to share your insights, expertise, or niche-focused content. Monetize through ads, affiliate marketing, sponsored posts, or by offering premium content to a loyal subscriber base.

5. Creating and Selling Online Courses:

Leverage your WordPress website to host and sell online courses. Plugins like LearnDash and Teachable seamlessly integrate with WordPress, allowing you to share your knowledge while generating revenue.

6. Affiliate Marketing Through WordPress:

Integrate affiliate marketing into your WordPress strategy. Promote products or services related to your niche through affiliate links. As your audience trusts your recommendations, you can earn commissions for each sale generated through your unique links.

7. Offering Membership Programs:

Transform your WordPress site into an exclusive community by offering membership programs. Provide premium content, special access, or personalized services in exchange for a subscription fee, creating a recurring revenue stream.

8. E-commerce with WooCommerce:

WooCommerce, a WordPress plugin, turns your site into a fully functional online store. Sell physical or digital products, manage inventory, and implement various payment gateways. E-commerce offers diverse revenue streams for entrepreneurs.

9. Providing WordPress Consultation Services:

Offer your expertise through WordPress consultation services. Help businesses optimize their WordPress websites, troubleshoot issues, or plan for future developments. Charge hourly or on a project basis.

10. Host Webinars and Workshops:

Engage your audience by hosting webinars and workshops on your WordPress site. Charge a fee for access, and use these events to share valuable insights, demonstrate your expertise, and connect with your community.

WordPress isn't just a platform for creating websites; it's a gateway to a myriad of income-generating opportunities. By combining your passion for web development with strategic business ventures, you can unlock the full potential of WordPress. Whether you're crafting themes, developing plugins, or building an online empire through blogging and e-commerce, WordPress provides the tools and flexibility needed to turn your digital presence into a thriving source of income. Embrace the versatility of WordPress, stay innovative, and let your entrepreneurial spirit flourish in the dynamic world of online business.

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Free Tools for Web Development

 Design and Prototyping:

  • Figma: A browser-based collaborative design tool with powerful features for UI/UX design and prototyping.

  • Adobe XD: Free for individuals, XD offers design and prototyping tools alongside collaboration features.

  • Balsamiq Mockups: A rapid prototyping tool for creating quick and dirty wireframes and early mockups.

  • Pencil Project: A lightweight and open-source prototyping tool, perfect for beginners.

Development and Coding:

  • Visual Studio Code: A popular and open-source code editor with extensive extensions and plugins for various languages.

  • Sublime Text: A customizable and efficient code editor with a large community and available plugins.

  • Atom: Another open-source and community-driven code editor with a focus on hackability and customization.

  • Brackets: A code editor focused on web development with built-in tools for preprocessors and live preview.

Testing and Debugging:

  • Selenium: An open-source automation testing framework for web applications across various browsers.

  • Postman: A popular tool for testing and monitoring APIs, useful for building and debugging web applications.

  • DevTools: Built-in browser developer tools offer powerful debugging and performance analysis capabilities.

  • Lighthouse: A Google Chrome extension that audits web pages for performance, accessibility, and best practices.

Version Control and Collaboration:

  • Git: A widely used version control system for tracking code changes and collaborating with teams.

  • GitHub: A popular web-based Git hosting platform with free plans for open-source projects and individual accounts.

  • Bitbucket: Another Git hosting platform with free plans for personal projects and small teams.

  • GitLab: An open-source Git hosting platform with additional features like issue tracking and project management.

Additional Resources:

  • W3Schools: A comprehensive online resource for learning web development technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Khan Academy: Offers free web development courses and tutorials for beginners and intermediate learners.

  • FreeCodeCamp: A non-profit organization providing interactive web development tutorials and coding challenges.

  • Mozilla Developer Network (MDN): A comprehensive and reliable resource for web development documentation and references.

This is just a selection of the many free tools available for web development. Remember, the best tools are the ones that fit your specific needs and workflow. Explore, experiment, and find the tools that empower you to build amazing web applications!

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