Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Can I get URL for specific screen of Power Apps app?

Yes, you can get a URL for a specific screen in a Power Apps app using deep linking. Deep linking allows you to pass parameters in the app's URL, enabling navigation to a specific screen when the app loads.

Steps to Create a URL for a Specific Screen:

  1. Identify the Screen Name:

    • Note the name of the screen you want to navigate to (e.g., Screen1).
  2. Use the App.StartScreen Property:

    • Starting from December 2022, you can use the App.StartScreen property to determine which screen to show when the app starts.
    • Example formula:

      If( Param("screen") = "Screen1", Screen1, If( Param("screen") = "Screen2", Screen2, DefaultScreen ) )
  3. Generate the URL:

    • Append a query parameter to the app’s URL in the format ?screen=ScreenName.
    • Example:<App-ID>?screen=Screen1
  4. Share the URL:

    • Share the generated URL with users. When they click it, the app will navigate directly to the specified screen.
  5. Optional: Pass Additional Parameters:

    • You can pass more parameters to the URL, such as:<App-ID>?screen=Screen1&userID=123
    • Retrieve these parameters using the Param() function.

Important Notes:

  • Ensure that the logic in App.StartScreen covers all possible screens.
  • Users must have access to the app to open the specific screen.
  • Deep linking works only in canvas apps, not model-driven apps.

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