Sunday, March 3, 2013

We have launched initial version of Facebook Timeline Cover Application

Facebook had launched new Timeline Design one year back, and this new design is attracting lot of users.

The Timeline Design allows the Facebook users to set a Timeline Cover on their profile page.
If anyone visit a Facebook Profile, the first thing visible to him is "the Cover image". And, Facebook shows the cover image on mouse over of any profile from any place like Search results, friends list and status updates.

So, it is important to keep good images as profile cover. We can find lot of applications and websites for allowing the users to set their facebook profile cover. Each of them is having their own advantages and drawbacks.

I thought of coming up with a Facebook cover application which will provide advantages of all existing applications while removing drawbacks of them.  As Our previous Twitter application "Great Quotes Auto Tweets" is welcomed by many active social media users, I believe that our facebook application will also get good response.

So, we have taken an initiative to provide the Facebook Cover application at

Note that it is just an initial version. We will be updating it with new features soon.

You can choose your favorite cover, and you can easily add them to to your Facebook profile. First time you need to allow our App. in Facebook book permission Dialog which will appear once after choosing the cover.

We are planning to add huge number of attractive Facebook cover images on daily basis. And, planned to lot of new features (e.g Search, Tags, cover for Facebook pages, scheduling cover change for Facebook pages, etc.) soon after getting initial feedback from the users.

You can join this launching Event to share your thoughts and suggestion about this application. 

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