I am running my YouTube Channel "QualityPointTech" (QPT) for more than 8 years. Apart from running YouTube Channel, I have tried various other things including Software Development, doing freelance work, running Websites, writing/selling Books, etc. But I feel very comfortable in running my YouTube Channel, and I am earning significant revenue from it every month. Anyway, I am not running my channel in perfect ways. I did lot of mistakes and corrected some of the mistakes and working on to address remaining mistakes. So, I thought sharing my experience with others may help them little bit to succeed in their journey of earning money online without making the same mistakes. And therefore I have published a Book "How to Earn from YouTube Videos?: My Experience with YouTube
To create a Buzz about this Book, I am selling it with very low price now. I may increase the price later. So, if you are interested to buy this book you can use this opportunity now. And, it is available in "Kindle Unlimited". So KU Subscribers can read it for Free.
Read below description of this Book.
Everyone needs Money for living a comfortable Life. The Money that you receive as salary for your work is having some limitations. For example, you won't receive salary if you stop doing your work, and your salary won't be increasing drastically. Doing Business will break these limitations. But many Businesses involve lot of Investments and Risks. So, many people are looking for a way to generate passive income without doing much investment. For them, YouTube is a best option.
Running a YouTube channel can help anyone to convert their skills into Money, that too passive Money. YouTube had created many Millionaires, and lot of people are earning significant money from their YouTube Channels.
This book is NOT for telling any secret ways for earning money from YouTube, and it is NOT going to give any tutorial about YouTube. It is just for sharing my understanding and experience with YouTube by running my YouTube Channel "QualityPointTech".
This Book will be useful for understanding some overview of the ways about earning money from YouTube. People who are interested to work from Home can utilize the opportunity given by YouTube for earning money.
Find below the Topics covered in this Book.
Why I Chose YouTube for Earning Money?
How to Earn Money from YouTube?
YouTube Channel Running Tips
My Experience with YouTube
My Suggestions for Beginners
Three things to keep in Mind always
About Preparing Interests List
Video Promotion Tips
Using Subtitles, Translation and Live
Mistakes to Avoid
About using Paid Ads
Some Random Tips
Dealing & adding Comments
Beyond YouTube
Video Suggestion
Are People really making Money from their YouTube Channels?
What is YouTube Partner Program (YPP)?
How do I monetize my YouTube channel using Google AdSense?
How can my videos make Money?
One of my Videos is getting many Dislikes. Will these Dislikes affect the search position or any other organic traffic?
Apart from using YouTube Analytics, can I use the Google Analytics to know more details about the traffic to my YouTube Channel?
How to promote my YouTube Videos using Google Adwords?
How much does YouTube pay per subscriber?
What is YouTube Red? What do people get for joining?
Will my content be available with YouTube Red?
Do I need to pay to join YouTube Red to keep my content on YouTube?
I'm a creator based outside of the U.S., how will YouTube Red impact my content?
Should I make longer videos to get higher watch time?
How much money do YouTubers earn?
Where can I view my YouTube earnings?
What is a Content ID claim?
What is Copyright strike ?
How do I get paid?
When do I get paid?
How do I receive money from AdSense?
Does Google AdSense provide official payment documents?
What is Address (PIN) verification ?
What is Multi-Channel Network (MCN) ?
What are End Screens and Cards?
What does the Yellow Dollar Sign mean on YouTube?
What are the best practices for adding Thumbnails for the Videos?
Can I replace a video in my YouTube Channel?
Can I make changes to uploaded videos?
What are the best practices for metadata?
What is the importance of adding subtitles & closed captions (CC)?
How to do Live Streaming using YouTube?
I am NOT a tech-savvy person, but good at Music/Photography/Dance/Arts/Teaching/Gaming/Comedy/etc. All these Terms are confusing me. Whether I need know/do all these things to Earn Money from YouTube?
You can buy this Book How to Earn from YouTube Videos?: My Experience with YouTube
Once after reading this Book, please share your review comments. You can contact me for any questions related to running your YouTube Channel. I may not be able to help you with best answer, but I am sure that I can definitely share my experience with you to help you go in the right direction.
If you want be successful in your YouTube Career, you should focus on your core talent/skills to make people Happy either Directly (e.g Dance / Comedy) or Indirectly (e.g Tutorials, Education videos, LifeHacks).
That is the very important thing apart from preparing the Interest List as specified in the Book. Once you start uploading useful videos, you have to promote it at relevant Social Media sites. You should do it to your target audience only. Don't share your video with people who may not be interested in your video. If you do so, your watch time will be affected heavily. Watch Time is the important parameter for getting views organically(Search, Suggestion, Browse) from YouTube. Choosing trending topics will be helpful to get views quickly. But do it for the topics that are relevant to your channel. As explained in the Book, not having quality mic severely affected my Channel. So focus on setting up the things required for your channel properly. Never tempted to copy anyone's video. Do YouTube Live frequently. Check your Analytics regularly. Initially focus on giving valuable content than getting views or earning Money. Cross promote your videos using Cards and End Screens. And remember to set your meta data (Title, Description, Thumbnail image) properly without violating YouTube's policies.
All these things specified in the Book are not much helpful unless you have enough motivation to set proper Goal for your Channel growth, and putting efforts on daily basis to move towards your Goal steadily irrespective of any difficulties you may face. Since I am running our Motivational website TheQuotes.Net for many years, I could understand the power of positive thoughts for achieving our Goals. So, always stay Positive. All the Best!!!
If you are interested to know the latest news about Emerging Technologies (e.g 3D Printing, Robotics, Drones, Graphene, Nano Technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning, Gene Editing, Desalination Techniques,Virtual Reality, Wearables, New kinds of Batteries, Driver-less Cars, Solar Power Improvements, Quantum Computing, Brain–computer interface, etc), then remember to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel "QualityPointTech".
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