Here I will explain how to use this display property to hide or show a div tag based on the value selected in a drop down list.
Consider below HTML form having two drop-down lists. One (appointment_for) is having two options myself and others.
The another drop-down list (appointment_for_others[]) is placed inside a div tag which is hidden by default using style "display:none".
<form name="frmadd">
<select name="appointment_for" id="appointment_for" onChange="showHideOthers();">
<option value="myself" selected>Myself</option>
<option value="others">Somebody Else</option>
<div id="others" style="display:none" >
<select name="appointment_for_others[]" id="appointment_for_others" multiple size="3">
<option value="" selected>Select</option>
<option value="Name1" >Name1</option>
<option value="Name2" >Name2</option>
Here our intention is to show the second drop-down list on selecting other in the first drop-down list.
To achieve this we can call a javascript function during onChange event of first drop-down list to unhide the second drop-down list on selecting other in the first one.
Find the below sample javascript function used for this purpose.
<script language="javascript">
function showHideOthers()
if (document.frmadd.appointment_for.selectedIndex==0) //Hide others drop-down list if myself is selected
else //show drop-down list of others
You can visually see it here. If you select 'Others' in the below drop-down list you can see another drop-down list here.
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