Watch below the videos showing High Lights of London 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony held on July 27th, 2012 in London.
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NOTE: It seems IOC is blocking the display of the Olympics Videos in Websites, so you need to click the YouTube link to see these Videos in YouTube itself. And, you can watch the last video in this blog itself.
i-e These videos will show below message after clicking Play button.
This video contains content from International Olympic Committee, who has blocked it from display on this website.
I couldn't understand why IOC should provide Embed code in YouTube if they are not allowing embedding videos in other websites.
And, I just prepared a few minutes highlights by recording only very few shots in these videos, as I thought taking few screens from the IOC videos won't violate their copyrights. But I got below message from youtube immediately after uploading the video.
Your video may have content that is owned or licensed by International Olympic Committee. As a result, the video has been blocked on YouTube. This claim is penalizing your account status.
So, I immediately deleted the video. I couldn't understand how people can see the fast track highlights of the opening ceremony if they don't have enough time to go thro' all the videos uploaded by IOC.
Do you think that this behaviour of IOC is appropriate? Or, Am I not understanding the copyrights properly? You can Share your thoughts thro' the comments.
David Beckham and Sir Steve Redgrave bring the Olympic Torch to the Stadium.
Olympic Cauldron is lit at the Olympic Stadium for the London 2012 Olympic Games.
The Queen Elizabeth II opens the London 2012 Olympic Games at Olympic Stadium, London on 27 th July 2012.
The Olympic Oath is made from the Olympic Stadium at the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
Google Doodle for the 2012 London Olympics:
The below video shows the Google doodle Shown for the Opening Ceremony of London 2012 Olympics.
The Second Day Google Doodle is for "Archery"
And, the Third Doodle is for "Diving"
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