Thursday, July 12, 2012

Removing feedjit javascript code solved session problem in Chrome. Very strange. Anyone else noticed this kind of behaviour?

Today I came across very strange bahaviour of Chrome browser. We had developed a Quiz program in php and mysql few years back. It uses php session variables to pass the values of selected Topic and Level across pages. This Quiz program was working fine in FireFox. But it started giving errors in Chrome browser few days back. After doing some analysis I came to know that Session Variables are NOT working properly in Chrome. I was surprised to know this. Because I was thinking that browsers are not doing much to deal with session variables which will be handled by Server. This Session problem was solved by removing a piece of javascript code used for for showing the real-time traffic using feedjit.

I couldn't understand the relation between the javascript code and session problem in Chrome.

Can anyone explain it? You can share your thoughts thro' the comments.

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