Thursday, June 11, 2009

Twitter - Are you hearing this word first time?

There are lot of social networking sites available in the internet.

Digg, reddit, orkut, linkedin, myspace and facebook are some of the leading sites.

Twitter is now getting more popular among all of the social networking sites.

We can say that Twitter is the latest social-networking craze.

It is working based on a very simple question:

What are you doing?

Basically we need to send small text messages (Maximum 140 characters) as answer for the above question. So, it can be considered as Micro-blogging service.

As it is using small text messages it is used widely in mobile devices also.

We need to create a twitter account to start using the Twitter.

This below steps involve in using Twitter.

- Create your Twitter account.
- Search some people from Twitter and go thro' their profiles (e.g qualitypoint profile
- After seeing the profile(eg. qualitypoint) , if you are interested to know the updates from them (i-e from qualitypoint), you can Follow them.

- Once after following qualitypoint you can see the updates from qualitypoint unless until qualitypoint blocks you. There is no need to wait for getting approval from qualitypoint to get updates from qualitypoint.

Similarly you can follow any number of people from whom you want to get updates of what they are doing.

-And also, other people can also follow you. They will be called as your followers. They can read you updates.

The updates/message sent thro' the twitter is called as tweet.

So, basically all Followers of any person can read the tweet of that person. And, also we can use feature such as @reply for sending a message (i-e tweet) to a person even when he is not your Follower.

If you want to send tweet to only a particular person and you don't want the other followers to see it, then you can use Direct Message feature.

We can see the current tweets about any keyword by searching it at

If you want to specify any keyword in your tweet you can use hash tagging. i-e just add hash symbol (#) in front of the keyword.

The real power of the twitter lies in Re-Tweeting. Your follower can re-tweet yout tweet by specifying RT to his followers. By doing this, you will be getting opportunity to get more followers from the followers of the person who is re-tweeting your Tweet.

Since millions of users using Twitter, it is used for doing marketing and getting more support also.
Especially it is used as Viral Marketing.

There are lot of Twitter applications/Tools are available for using with Twitter.

We are using Twitlet which is a bookmarklet used for handle tiny url effectivly.

Some feed applications are available to automatically post your blog posting to twitter. This feed service is effectively used by marketing persons.

Similarly your latest Tweets can be displayed in your blogs.

And, you can put Twitter badges on your blog to encourage your blog visitors to follow you on Twitter.

Some applications such as Twitter Alerts will sent you email based on your keyword setup to give details of tweets that are having your keyword in it.

TweetLater will help you to schedule your tweets so that you followers will get updates from you even when you are busy with some other work.

You can watch below youTube video to know the basics of Twitter.

One interesting thing is, as of now Twitter website is not having auto refresh functionality. We need to manually click the refresh button in the Browser to get the latest updates/tweets.

I think Twitter is not providing this option to keep the high performance of the Twitter. Anyway, many Twitter applications are available to solve this issue.

Contact Us if you want to develop your own Custom Twitter applications.

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