For example, today blogger was down for few hours.
I have noticed error message when loading our blog. I wanted to know more details of this error. i-e I wanted to know whether this issue occurs in all blogger blogs or occurs only in our blog. And, I wanted to know when it will be rectified.
So, I did google search for the keywords "blogger" and the error code returned from our blog. But it didn't give any useful search result.
After that I did a search in Twitter search, and got more information about this issue.
I came to know that more people are facing this issue, and also I came to know that blogger (Google) is working on to resolve this issue.
This incident clearly indicates the need for real-time search.
Both Microsoft and Google are knowing the importance of this real-time search.
So, they are trying to integrate feature of searching tweets with their search engine.
Microsoft has released the Beta version of Twitter search with Bing.
currently it is having below features.
Hottest Topics on Twitter
Most recent Tweets about <search keyword>
Top links shared in Tweets about <search keyword>
Google also announced that it had made an agreement with Twitter for searching the Tweets to provide real-time search results.
Some people are raising some concerns in this integration.
It seems already some real time search engines such as are available to make real-time search.
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