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We are tweeting these News content @GlobalTechNews
And, we deliver them to mobile Phones as free SMS also (within India only). e.g QualityPointNews.
You can read our previous post if you need more details.

It seems many people are impressed with our News Channels. For example, within very short time period (around 1.5 month) more than 1000 people are following @GlobalTechNew.
So, I decided to enhance our News Channels even better than current level.
Currently we are tweeting our News using only. Using this site we will be able to send the tweets in minimum 30 minutes interval only. We can not reduce this interval below 30 minutes.
So the reader may see slight delay in the News. So to improve this, I have decided to tweet the news using twitter API php code instead of using or in addition to using
I searched the internet and found the twitter API php code, and tested it thro' browser successfully. But our hosting company is not providing cron job tab for scheduling the execution.
I came to know that some online cronjob service sites are available. But it seems they will charge once after exceeding particular number of cron job execution.
So, I decided to find some other good alternative. I found a php code which can do the scheduling without requiring cron job. But it seems it needs some manual firing of events to make it work.
We are still working on to improve it better. And, let me know if anybody face any issue with our News Channels.
And you can read the old news at News Archive.
We welcome your suggestions for enhancing our News Channels.
I believe these enhancements will attract much more visitors.
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