Thursday, October 22, 2009

Children's day Doodle Selection.

We can vote for selecting the Google Doodle which will be displayed in Google India Home page on November 14 for celebrating Children's day. You can read this knol about children's day .

You can vote for a Doodle in each of below three groups.
1. Standards 1-3
2. Standards 4-6
3. Standards 7-10

From the 3 winners Google will select one Doodle for displaying it on Novermber 14.

Are you able to predict the winning doodle which will be displayed in Google home page on November 14?

In this case you can specify your prediction here thro' comments.

Let us see on November 14, who's prediction is correct.

Specify the group number (1 or 2 or 3) and the Doodle number in the group. For example if you predict this Doodle as winning Doodle then specify it as 1-13 in the comment. And, if you predict this Doodle as winning Doodle then specify it as 3-13.

Specify only one Doodle.

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1 comment:

Testing said...

I predict 2-3 will won(
This is for children's day.So focus will be on children.Most of the other doodles focus on India.They may suit for Indepedence/Republic day.

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