Monday, October 26, 2009

Making Public Wave

Yesterday I got invitation for Google Wave, and I started exploring the features of the Google Wave.

But the important thing is, I couldn't explore many features without having other participants in my Wave.

If you want to include myself as participant in your waves you can add me (

Anyway, I came to know that we can search public waves and then we can participate in the pubic waves.

public waves can be easily searched by entering with:public in the search bar of the Wave.

If you want to limit the search results, you can include the search keyword also as with:public <keyword> (e.g with:public software). You can refer the below screenshot.

By doing search for public waves, I came to know that there are lot of public waves available. People have created lot of public waves based on name of the cities and name of the universities.

One thing I have noticed in the search results is, non-english waves are also getting displayed in the search results. I am just looking for a way to show only english (and Tamil) waves.

I was surprised to see many public waves with Tamil content.

Now, let us see how to make your Wave public.

Just do the below steps.
- Add in your contact list. You will get error message (e.g is not a Google Wave account.).
You can just ignore the error message and just proceed. You can add also as specified in the Google support forum.

-Create a new Wave and add as participant. This new Wave will become public and it can be searched by anyone and anyone can participate in this wave.

Refer the below screenshot which shows one public wave created my me.

I have noticed one simple thing about FavIcon.

Background of Google Wave FavIcon is not transparent. It is showing as white. So it looks odd when seeing it in non-white browsers.

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1 comment:

Jacksterson said...

do you have invitations as well?

invite me? :D

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