Tuesday, June 28, 2011

TwitPic Founder Noah Everett tweets about his own arrest with photo

Founder of TwitPic Noah Everett has tweeted as "Getting arrested...in the back of a cop car now"

And, he had tweeted below photo as proof.

Proof on Twitpic

Proof on Twitpic

Noah Everett is having more than 2.7 million Twitter followers.

Right now, the reason for his arrest is unknown. If you know any more details you can share it thro' the comments.

His latest tweet is "...I guess you can't walk down your own street half naked...who knew - I got a free ride home by the nice police officer"

TwitPic is a website which allows Twitter users to easily post pictures to the Twitter.
TwitPic is often used by citizen journalists to upload and distribute pictures in near real-time as an event is taking place.

Noah Everett founded TwitPic in 2008. Noah Everett said that he had been offered a price within the region of 10 million US dollars for his company, and he didn't accept the offer. (Do you want to start your own Twitter business? You can use this opportunity)

You can see the LinkedIn profile of Noah Everett here.

Photos can be uploaded to TwitPic easily from various smart phones.
TweetDeck, Echofon, Tweetie, Twitfile, and Twitterrific are iPhone applications for uploading photos from iPhones to TwitPic.

And, Android phones can upload pictures to TwitPic with the Twidroid and Seesmic applications.

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