Wednesday, January 24, 2024

AI Quiz created by AI. MCQ about ChatGPT and Bard

I created this Quiz about AI, Prompt Engineering, ChatGPT and Bard with the help of Bard as explained here. Even I asked Bard to format the html code in this specific format.
  1. Which of the following is NOT a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI)?
    • Machine learning
    • Natural language processing
    • Computer vision
    • Robotics
    • Software engineering

  2. What is the process of training a machine learning model to learn from data?
    • Supervised learning
    • Unsupervised learning
    • Reinforcement learning
    • All of the above
    • None of the above

  3. What is the role of prompt engineering in language models like ChatGPT and Bard?
    • It is the process of writing prompts for the models to respond to.
    • It is a technique for improving the accuracy of the models' responses.
    • It is a way to control the creativity of the models' outputs.
    • All of the above
    • None of the above

  4. Which of the following is a strength of ChatGPT?
    • It is more accurate than Bard.
    • It is better at generating creative text formats.
    • It is more factual and objective in its responses.
    • It is better at understanding and responding to complex questions.
    • None of the above

  5. Which of the following is a strength of Bard?
    • It is more creative than ChatGPT.
    • It is better at understanding and responding to factual queries.
    • It is more likely to generate unbiased and objective responses.
    • All of the above
    • None of the above

  6. Imagine you're a researcher creating a new AI assistant. Which of these features would be MOST important to prioritize?
    • Ability to hold engaging natural conversations on diverse topics.
    • Exceptional proficiency in completing complex tasks and solving problems.
    • Perfect understanding and adherence to ethical guidelines and human values.
    • Unmatched creativity and ability to generate novel ideas and solutions.

  7. You come across a news article claiming a new deep learning model can predict the future with perfect accuracy. What would be your FIRST step in evaluating this claim?
    • Immediately accept the claim and hail the breakthrough in AI.
    • Demand to see the research paper and methodology behind the model.
    • Try to replicate the results yourself to verify the model's performance.
    • Dismiss the claim as sensationalized hype without further investigation.

  8. Both Bard and ChatGPT are large language models, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. What is the KEY difference in their approaches to language understanding and generation?
    • Bard focuses on factual accuracy and objective responses, while ChatGPT prioritizes creative expression and humor.
    • Bard relies heavily on supervised learning, while ChatGPT leverages a wider range of learning techniques.
    • Bard is trained on a dataset of text and code, while ChatGPT focuses primarily on text data.
    • Bard is designed for research and information retrieval, while ChatGPT is intended for entertainment and casual interactions.

  9. The field of machine learning is constantly evolving. What do you believe will be the most significant advancement in machine learning in the next 5 years?
    • Development of truly explainable and interpretable AI models.
    • Achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI) capable of human-level reasoning.
    • Significant progress in areas like natural language processing and computer vision.
    • Widespread adoption of machine learning for real-world applications across various industries.

  10. Imagine you're a scientist on a deserted island with only a laptop and access to a large language model like Bard. How could you use Bard to maximize your chances of survival?
    • Focus on using Bard for entertainment and leisure to stay mentally healthy.
    • Instruct Bard to write creative stories to keep you company and prevent loneliness.
    • Utilize Bard's knowledge and capabilities to help you find food, water, and shelter.
    • Ignore Bard and focus on your own survival skills without relying on technology.

  11. Deep learning models are often criticized for being "black boxes" due to their lack of interpretability. What do you think is the most important step towards making deep learning models more transparent and understandable?
    • Develop new algorithms specifically designed for interpretability, even if it means sacrificing some performance.
    • Focus on improving the visualization and explanation tools used to communicate the inner workings of deep learning models.
    • Educate the public and stakeholders about the limitations and complexities of deep learning, fostering realistic expectations.
    • Ignore the issue of interpretability, as the benefits of deep learning outweigh the need for complete understanding.

  12. Imagine you're a teacher designing a lesson about artificial intelligence for high school students. Which of the following topics would you MOST emphasize?
    • The technical details of how AI algorithms work, using complex mathematical concepts.
    • The history and evolution of AI research, focusing on major milestones and breakthroughs.
    • The societal and ethical implications of AI, discussing potential risks and benefits.
    • The practical applications of AI in various industries, showcasing real-world examples.

  13. Both Bard and ChatGPT are trained on massive amounts of text data, but they have different strengths and weaknesses. Which of the following statements is MOST accurate about the differences between Bard and ChatGPT?
    • Bard is better at understanding and responding to factual queries, while ChatGPT excels at generating creative text formats.
    • Bard is primarily focused on scientific and technical language, while ChatGPT is trained on a broader range of text genres.
    • Bard is designed to be objective and unbiased, while ChatGPT is more likely to express personal opinions and beliefs.
    • Bard is more efficient and computationally faster than ChatGPT, making it suitable for real-time applications.

  14. Imagine you are a writer experiencing writer's block. How can you leverage AI tools like Bard and ChatGPT to overcome this creative hurdle?
    • Use them to brainstorm new ideas and generate story prompts.
    • Have them write different drafts or sections of your story to get a fresh perspective.
    • Ask them for feedback on your writing and suggestions for improvement.
    • Completely rely on them to write your story, leaving no human involvement.

  15. Deep learning models are often criticized for being "black boxes" due to their lack of interpretability. What do you think is the most important step towards making deep learning models more transparent and understandable?
    • Develop new algorithms specifically designed for interpretability, even if it means sacrificing some performance.
    • Focus on improving the visualization and explanation tools used to communicate the inner workings of deep learning models.
    • Educate the public and stakeholders about the limitations and complexities of deep learning, fostering realistic expectations.
    • Ignore the issue of interpretability, as the benefits of deep learning outweigh the need for complete understanding.

  16. Imagine you're on trial in a courtroom, but the judge and jury are all advanced AI systems. How would you tailor your arguments and evidence to convince these non-human judges of your innocence or guilt?
    • Focus on logic, data, and objective reasoning.
    • Present evidence in a format easily digestible by AI systems.
    • Anticipate potential biases or limitations in the AI's decision-making process.
    • Consider incorporating ethical and moral arguments.

  17. Deepfakes and other AI-generated media are becoming increasingly sophisticated, blurring the lines between reality and fiction. How can we develop effective strategies to combat misinformation and ensure trust in the information we consume?
    • Invest in AI-powered detection tools.
    • Promote media literacy and critical thinking skills.
    • Establish clear ethical guidelines and regulations.
    • Support independent fact-checking organizations.

  18. If you could create a new educational tool powered by AI, what would it be and how would it revolutionize the learning experience?
    • An AI-powered personalized tutor.
    • An immersive virtual reality learning environment.
    • An AI-driven assessment system.
    • A global knowledge-sharing platform.

  19. Imagine a world where AI assistants handle most of our daily tasks and decision-making. What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of such a highly automated society, and how can we ensure it serves humanity's best interests?
    • Benefits: Increased efficiency, productivity, quality of life, potential solutions to global challenges.
    • Drawbacks: Job displacement, overreliance on technology, loss of human skills, ethical concerns.
    • Ensuring human well-being: Focus on education and reskilling, prioritize well-being, maintain human oversight, promote transparency and accountability.

  20. Imagine you're a time traveler sent back to the year 2010. How would you use your knowledge of future AI advancements to amaze and convince people of your story?
    • Describe specific AI applications that haven't been invented yet, focusing on areas like healthcare or transportation.
    • Predict major breakthroughs in deep learning or machine translation, showcasing their potential impact on society.
    • Demonstrate your own abilities as an AI from the future, like generating creative text formats or answering complex questions.
    • Focus on entertainment and amusement, performing magic tricks or games powered by AI algorithms you "brought from the future."

  21. If you could create a new superpower based on AI, what would it be and how would it impact the world?
    • The ability to instantly learn and master any skill or knowledge through direct brain-computer interfaces connected to AI systems.
    • The power to manipulate and control complex systems like weather patterns or global financial markets using advanced AI algorithms.
    • The ability to see into the future by simulating various scenarios and predicting outcomes based on vast amounts of data and AI analysis.
    • The power to create immersive and interactive virtual worlds indistinguishable from reality, powered by advanced AI for sensory simulation.

  22. Imagine a world where AI has become so advanced that it surpasses human intelligence in all aspects. What are the biggest challenges and opportunities that such a world might present?
    • Maintaining control and ensuring the ethical use of AI superintelligence, preventing potential harm or misuse.
    • Adapting to a society where machines perform most tasks better than humans, leading to widespread unemployment and societal shifts.
    • Leveraging the vast problem-solving and creative capabilities of AI superintelligence to address global challenges like climate change or poverty.
    • Exploring the philosophical and existential implications of a world where humans are no longer the dominant intelligence on Earth.

  23. Both Bard and ChatGPT are large language models, but they are trained on different datasets and have unique strengths. How could you leverage the combined capabilities of Bard and ChatGPT to achieve a specific goal, like writing a novel or solving a complex scientific problem?
    • Use Bard's factual accuracy and knowledge base to research and gather information for the novel, while using ChatGPT's creative storytelling abilities to craft the narrative.
    • Leverage Bard's scientific understanding to analyze and interpret data, while using ChatGPT's ability to generate hypotheses and explore possibilities to solve the scientific problem.
    • Have Bard write the technical aspects of the novel or scientific paper, while ChatGPT adds creative flair and emotional depth to the writing.
    • Use Bard to fact-check and ensure the accuracy of the writing generated by ChatGPT, while also incorporating its unique stylistic elements.

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