Friday, April 22, 2011

Implemented AdSense "Section Targetting" for this blog

Since this blog has started getting lot of Search traffic, I am in the process of monetizing the traffic.

Few days back I had done some changes in AdSense Ad placements.

The ad placement changes improved the CTR significantly and therefore AdSense earnings also will be increased.

Now, I am doing further optimizations.

I am using this blog for writing posts about different topics. And, recently I had modified the blog to show Recent posts, popular posts and random posts in each and every blog post.

So, adSense bot may not find the appropriate keywords for any particular post as it will be surrounded with summary of other posts also.

And therefore, visitors will be seeing irrelevant Ads. It will reduce the adSense CTR.

So, I have implemented "Section Targeting" for this blog.

You can read about Section Targeting here

"Section Targeting" is just telling the AdSense bots about which part of the blog should be considered for taking keywords to show ads, and which part should not be considered.

We can use &tl;!-- google_ad_section_start --> and &tl;!-- google_ad_section_end --> to emphasize a page section.

I referred this article to implement the "Section Targeting" for this Blogger blog.

It seems Google AdSense will take some time to start using this "Section Targeting".

Let us see whether it increases the CTR further. Anyone tried "Section Targeting"?

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