Update In 2024: This ebook is now available at Gumroad and Instamojo
I just wanted to convey these things as Marketing Experts suggested to convery benefits of the book for buyers.
Find below the details.
I asked below question to the some of the Marketing Experts.
I am trying different approaches to promote sales of our eBook about Software Testing and QTP Automation. Refer the details at http://qualitypoint.blogspot.com/2010/05/9-offer-will-end-on-may-25th-for-our.html
Is there any other better approach available to promote the ebook sales? (It should not require more cost)
And, I got below reply from one of the Experts.
My suggestion would be to do the following. These would take more time but will give you substantial benefits.
1) Create a free report which maybe contains a couple of points from the ebook and distribute it free in return of an email address. Have a webpage where people can come and enter their email and name. they receive an email to confirm the email id and then they can download this free report. This would get them interested to buy the book. Once you have the emails you can send them offer to buy the book.
2) try site like www.clickbank.com where their are products listed.
3) Give a 15/30 day no questions asked money back guarantee.
4) identify if the buyers would be students who are doing engineering or they would be fresh IT professionals. These people usually are found in specific areas
5) you could have an affiliate program where if a person directs a lead to your page and there is a sale he gets 25 - 50% of sale.
Another Expert has given below Suggestion.
To get people to buy you need to tell them what the benefits of the book are for them and what they will get out of it.
In respect of pormoting it, if you can get some articles published in magaazine and papers that your target audience read, that will help promote the awareness of it. If you can also do speaking engagements ona topic related to it, aimed at your target market and then promote the e-book as a special on the day for those who attend.
i hope this is of assistance.
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- Very first reason is, I have written this eBook purely based on my experience with Software Testing and QTP Automation. You can refer my LinkedIn profile to know more details about my experience
- I have written this eBook in simple English with easy sentence flow so that any one can easily understand it without any ambiguity
- This eBook covers both Software Testing and QTP Automation. If you are going to learn QTP, first you should be familiar with Software Testing concepts. And any Software Tester should know some basics of Automation Testing so that they can move forward in their professional career
- Since it is an eBook, you can immediately download it once after making the paypal payment
- Currently the price is very less (9$ till May 25th), and even you are having option to get it free
- It includes Questions and Answers to test your knowledge in both QTP and Software Testing
- I tried my best to give unique content about Software Testing and QTP Automation. So, this eBook will be useful for you even when you have already read many Software Testing and QTP books
- The best practices given in this ebook will be very helpful as I have written everything based on my experience gained by working in different companies and different projects
- This eBook is having only around 60 pages. i-e I haven't included any tutorial about QTP. Because we can see good Tutorial in QTP help file itself. So, you need not skip any portion of the ebook. You can just continuously read this eBook.
- I have given links to other Good Testing Articles on the web.
I just wanted to convey these things as Marketing Experts suggested to convery benefits of the book for buyers.
Find below the details.
I asked below question to the some of the Marketing Experts.
I am trying different approaches to promote sales of our eBook about Software Testing and QTP Automation. Refer the details at http://qualitypoint.blogspot.com/2010/05/9-offer-will-end-on-may-25th-for-our.html
Is there any other better approach available to promote the ebook sales? (It should not require more cost)
And, I got below reply from one of the Experts.
My suggestion would be to do the following. These would take more time but will give you substantial benefits.
1) Create a free report which maybe contains a couple of points from the ebook and distribute it free in return of an email address. Have a webpage where people can come and enter their email and name. they receive an email to confirm the email id and then they can download this free report. This would get them interested to buy the book. Once you have the emails you can send them offer to buy the book.
2) try site like www.clickbank.com where their are products listed.
3) Give a 15/30 day no questions asked money back guarantee.
4) identify if the buyers would be students who are doing engineering or they would be fresh IT professionals. These people usually are found in specific areas
5) you could have an affiliate program where if a person directs a lead to your page and there is a sale he gets 25 - 50% of sale.
Another Expert has given below Suggestion.
To get people to buy you need to tell them what the benefits of the book are for them and what they will get out of it.
In respect of pormoting it, if you can get some articles published in magaazine and papers that your target audience read, that will help promote the awareness of it. If you can also do speaking engagements ona topic related to it, aimed at your target market and then promote the e-book as a special on the day for those who attend.
i hope this is of assistance.
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1 comment:
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.
Automation Testing
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