Are you having any blog or website attracting good number of visitors?
If your answer is "Yes", you can start earning money by showing advertisements or by doing affiliate marketing.
For example you can earn upto 90% affiliate commission by using our affiliate program.
But earning from affiliate marketing is not that much easy. We need to do lot of hard work to choose appropriate product and placing the banners and text links in appropriate ways without spamming the Internet.
If you are interested in knowing about Affiliate marketing you can subscribe to our blog. (It is free). I am planning to write more articles about affiliate marketing as part of promoting our affiliate program. I will be giving the details for earning money by effectively using our affiliate program.
Another easy way is showing advertisements. A simple and easy to use advertising program is "Google's AdSense"
We need NOT spend our time to search for any advertisers. Just by putting piece of javascript code, you can start showing relevant advertisements in your blog or website.
Google AdSense provides lot of advantages. Comparatively it is reliable. We may not see any payment related frauds. And, we will be having lot of control about choosing the advertisements and filtering out the unwanted advertisements.
And, we can show the Ads in custom search results and in RSS feeds also. Even we can use it for mobile content also.
You can read here the AdSense success stories.
AdSense provides very nice reporting module. And we can change the look and feel of the advertisements without changing anything in your blog/site. i-e You can change the font and colors of the adsense ads from your Google AdSense Account itself.
You can integrate your adSense statics with your Google Analytics also. It will help you to improve your earnings.
And, Google adSense is allowing you to show other network ads also to increase your earning potential.
And Adsense is having close integration with Google Blogger and you can easily optimize the ads in Blogger blogs. So it will help you to use AdSense effectively without requiring much efforts.
Since AdSense is showing the ads based on the content of your site/blog. The ads will add value to your blog or site.
And, you can choose various ad types (image, text, both) in various formats(square, vertical, horizontal,etc)
Mostly you will be getting the AdSense payment cheque in your local currency itself. For example if you are in India you will get the cheque in INR itself. So, you can encash it very easily and quickly.
And, Google AdSense will not affect your web page loading speed much. And therefore, your search ranking will not be affected by AdSense Ads.
I will be writing more posts about CTR , eCPM and my analysis about the AdSense behaviour based on data from Google analytics integrated with Adsense. If you are interested to read them, you can subscribe to our blog or you can book mark it.
Google adSense itself is having some limitations.
First, it is bit difficult to get approval from Google for your adSense account. They may reject your request based on many criteria such as your blog traffic, number of posts in your blog and content quality of your blog/site.
And, Minimum payout is $100 USD. So it will take long time to get your first payment cheque. And you will be losing money in your adSense account if you are going to stop your adSense ads before reaching $100. It will be applicable even if the Google terminates your AdSense account.
Since the earning is based on number of clicks, you may not earn well if your CTR (Click-through-Rate) is less even when your site receives good traffic.
So, if Google AdSense is not suitable for you or your AdSense request is rejected you can try other advertising programs.
And, AdSense allows you to show other ads in AdSense page. You may refer this page to see the adSense alternatives. (I haven't used any of them. Do complete analysis before start using them.)
Recently I came to know about
It seems joining projectwonderful is easy. Mostly your request will be accepted if you are having good blog/site with moderate traffic.
And, you will get money based on bidding system. CTR won't affect your earnings. You can withdraw your earnings at any time using paypal account.
Minimum withdrawal amount is $10 only.
If you are interested to show your advertisements in our blog using projectwonderful you can add your bid. To know the current bid amount you can refer the projectwonderful ad displaying at bottom of the blog.
Currently I am not much familiar with Projectwonderful. Anyone familiar with projectwonderful can share their comments.
And, if you are interested to advertise your products in our blog you can refer the Google Adplanner
And, we are planning to accept direct advertisements also.
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So nice blog writing.It also a useful tips of new come who earn money form online.please keep up your post continuing.
Good to see people making money via adsense. Check this. May you will like it. Earn Money Online
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