Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Obama is taking steps to encourage Technology knowledge (STEM) among school students

US president Obama is taking steps for encouraging the school students to improve their knowledge in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and math)

Obama stressed the importance of inspiring students to excel in STEM subjects while participating in the White House Science Fair which is part of his "Educate to Innovate" program.

The school students explained their award winning science fair projects to Obama.

Students has prepared various projects such as a robot that plays soccer, a smart toilet that conserves water and an innovative approach to treating cancer.

Obama showed interest to get the explanation from the students about their projects.

In the below image he looks at the inner workings of a robot that plays soccer.

Find below the image shows students explaining how their invention can detect distracted driving.

In the below video you can see a student explaining a solar electric car to Obama.

See the below video to hear his entire speech.

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1 comment:

Jane Addams said...

Obama taking US to top most level, where US people can feel, we are the best in this world. thanks for this article.
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