Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Added my Favoriate Motivational Quotes in

Few days back, we had released Favorite option for our website. And, we keep the favorite quotes of any individual as private. i-e Only the individual can see the list of his favorite Quotes. No one can see his Favorite Quotes list. Anyway we are planning to allow the users to make it public or visible to their friends.

We will start work on developing these new features once after many people start using this Favorite Quotes feature.

Anyway, I have listed my Favorite Motivational Quotes as separate blog post so that any one can see it publicly.

You can go thro' this list,  and you may specify your own favorite Quotes in the comments.

You can add link to the Quotes collection in your blog/site using below code.

And, let me know your website/Blog URL once you add the above link in your site/Blog, I will add your link in our classifieds page which is having Google page rank 3.

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