Today (May 8th) Google shows Doodle for Mother's Day on the Home page of Google search engine.
Mother's Day is celebrated on different days in many parts of the world. Second Sunday of May (May 8 in 2011) is most widely celebrated.
Google is showing classic Doodle for the Mother's Day, whereas Google Doodles are becoming more interactive these days.
For example, Google had showed interactive doodles such as PacMan Game, animation of apple falling from tree for the Newton's birtday, Bunson burner animation, Charlie chaplin video and Earth Day animation.
You can see the latest Google Doodles here.
And, You can see the collection of Mother's Day Quotes in our TheQuotes.Net website.
Find below some of the quotes from TheQuotes.Net
God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers.
A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie.
Never marry a man who hates his mother, because he’ll end up hating you.Apart from showing Doodle for Mother's Day, Google has published list of useful tips prepared by Moms working at Google.
Find below some of them.

- Store your kids artwork in Picasa Web Albums.
- Safely share home videos with family by inviting them to view a private YouTube video.
- Keep a running family history by encouraging relatives around the world to contribute stories and biographies in a shared Google doc or blog
- Video chat through Gmail for free with long-distance grandparents and friends—this is also great for connecting kids with their parents when traveling
- Entertain kids on the run with kid-friendly YouTube channels—like Sesame Street and School House Rock—Android apps or your own photos and videos on your mobile phone
- On camping trips, use Sky Map to explore and name constellations. You can even travel back in time to show your kids what the sky looked like on the day they were born.
- Read the classics—like Anne of Green Gables, The Wind in the Willows and Grimm’s Fairy Tales—for free from Google eBooks.
- Using My Maps, get family and friends to help you collect ideas for activities in your area that are family-friendly
- Schedule family events, playdates and birthdays on a shared Google Calendar.
- Use the ingredient filter in Recipe View to find recipes that exclude ingredients your kids won’t eat.
Do you think that these Tools really help any mother?
In other words, Is there any difference between the family(mother) which uses these Tools, and the family(mother) which doesn't use these tools? You can share your thoughts thro' the comments.
You can get Mother's Day Quotes from our TheQuotes.Net site.
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