Recording Modes
Quick Test supports three different types of recording modes such as Normal mode, Analog mode and Low Level Recording mode.
Normal- QuickTest's normal recording mode records the objects in your application and the operations performed on them. This mode is the default and takes full advantage of QuickTest's test object model, recognizing the objects in your application regardless of their location on the screen.
In this normal mode the application/page will be recorded using relevant add-ins. For example, if you are recording a .net application, the objects will be recorded as Test objects specified in .net add-in. i-e the window will be recorded as swfWindow.
Analog – This mode records and tracks every movement of the mouse
This mode is useful for recording operations that cannot be recorded at the level of an object, for example, recording a signature produced by dragging the mouse.
We can record in Analog Recording mode relative to the screen or relative to a specific window.
The steps recorded using Analog Recording are saved in a separate data file.
Low level -records at the object level and records all run-time objects as Window or WinObject test objects.
Low Level Recording supports the following methods for each test object.
Run Modes
Normal -displays execution marker for showing the current execution step. It will be useful for debugging the script execution.
Fast- won’t show the execution marker, so the execution will be faster than the normal run mode.
Update Run– QTP is having Update Run mode for updating test object descriptions, the expected checkpoint values, and/or the Active Screen images and values.
Choose Automation >Update Run Mode for running the scripts in update mode.
When QuickTest updates a test, it does not update parameterized values, such as Data Table data and environment variables.
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