Find below the list of Websites/Blogs/Forums which are useful for learning Software Testing, and for improving the software development approaches to enhance the quality of the products.
SQA Forums - This is the very useful Forum for learning Software Testing and for learning Software Testing Tools especially QTP (Quick Test Professional). Mostly, you will get appropriate solution/answer for your problem/questions within few days if you post your questions in this Forum. Personally, I had used this Forum effectively to learn QTP many years back. I think this Forum is available for more than a decade. Previously it was known as
JAMES BACH'S BLOG This blog is having lot of interesting software testing related posts starting from year 2003. James Bach is one of the Authors of the book titled "Lessons Learned in Software Testing"
LinkedIn Discussions - LinkedIn is having lot of Software Testing Related Groups. We can join the desired Groups and we can participate in the Software Testing related Discussions and we can start our own discussion also. Apart from these Groups, LinkedIn is having Answers section which will allow us to ask our questions.
Google Testing Blog - This Google blog explains the Testing processes followed within Google.
QualityPoint Blog - This blog is written by myself. I had written an eBook about Software Testing and QTP automation. Mostly my articles will be telling more about practical approaches of Software Testing. Because, I work as Developer also apart from being a Tester. And, I am doing Business also now. So, my main focus will be doing Software Testing in a way to help Developers and Business (Obviously it should help the End Users)
Agile Testing - Thoughts on testing and systems infrastructure with an agile, mostly Pythonic, twist
Martinfowler This blogs speaks more about effective Software Developments and Agile methods to improve productivity.
Cem Kaner's Blog - He is one of the authors of the book titled "Lessons Learned in Software Testing"
Misko Hevery - He writes about writing Testable Code
Develop Sense - Michael Bolton writes about how to do excellent software testing in a way that is very fast, inexpensive, credible, and accountable.
Sara Ford's Weblog - Former Microsoft employee writes about combining agile methodologies with community management to provide the best user experience possible for websites
Association for Software Testing - AST is dedicated to advancing the understanding of the science and practice of software testing according to context-driven principles.
IT Knowledge Exchange
Thinking Tester- This blog provides information about software testing.
Chris McMahon'sblog
JW on Test
Software Testing Help
Corey Goldberg
Steve Rowe's Blog
Exploration Through Example
Test this Blog
Expected Results
QA Intelligence- This is a Testing & QA Management blog.
Adam Goucher
QA Hates You
Stefan Thelenius about Software Testing
Automated Chaos
Software Testing Hotlist
Practical QA
Tooth of the Weasel
Test Obsessed
Quality Frog
- Testing Hotlist Update
Collaborative Software Testing
Eric Jarvi
Test Guide
Testy Redhead
Software testing zone
Marlena’s Blog
Software Testing and more
Quality Assurance and Software Testing
Testing Testing 1,2,3
Mike Kelly's blog
Enjoy testing
Evil Tester
Charlie Audritsh's blog
Maverick Tester
Paul Gerrard's blog
Cartoon Tester
cLabs Blogki
Jeff Fry on Testing
Venkat's Blog
Agile Testing and Process Thoughts
Software Testing Stuff
Software Sleuthing
The Software Quality Blog
One of the wolves
Musing about Software Testing
Jon Bach's blog- Jon Bach's blog, highlighting the humanity in software testing
- Software Testing Club Blog
- Agile Testing with Lisa Crispin
Confessions of a Passionate Tester
I am filled with solutions
Software Testing
Rosie Land
Still Life- This blog is about testing, work, random thoughts, automation and scripting.
Brian Osman
Dhanasekar S’s Blog
The Social Tester
- QA Insight
The Testing Blog
Jeroen's world of Software Testing
Adam White
Purple Box Testing-It gives some brief information to Testing terms like Bugs,Test Cases,Manual Testing,Automation,Tools and Test management.
Lessons Learned by a Software Tester
Pliant Alliance
Tester Testifies
Santhosh Tuppad's Blog
Creative Tester
Tester Troubles
Thoughts on QA and Engineering-This blog contains information of about Software Quality,Testing,Quality Assurance and Engineering in general.
Quick Testing Tips
Cruisin QA
Tester Lost Focus
James McCaffrey's blog-This blog explains the Software Research, Development, and Testing.James McCaffrey is an author of .NET Test Automation Recipes
and Software Testing.
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Wow - this is a really extensive list. You might also want to add the software testing blog of Rex Black (past president of ISTQB and head of RBCS). He writes on a lot of testing topics and his blog posts have been more frequent recently (he's also been answering questions people have on his books on the blog).
Nice information about the
"Software Testing Resources", simple and easy to get it.
Software Testing
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